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Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sors Immani.8429

Sors Immani.8429

No, I’m not high or on any type of drugs.

No, I’m not part of ANets dev team (I promise)

I’m a gamer whose “career” spans 20,000 hours across GW1 from Factions to EoTN, and WoW that OTHER MMO from TBC to Cata. The competition aside, I’ve watched the mesmer community for a long time across both iterations of GW and for the longest while, I simply couldn’t “get it”. I attempted mesmering in GW1 and felt like a cheap elementalist knock-off who had armor-ignoring damage like a necromancer (chaos damage ftw, but that’s another story). I checked out mesmer in GW2’s beta, saw great improvement from its predecessor but still couldn’t figure out the class, and went to main a necro, warts’n’all.

I recently rolled a mesmer and am having a blast playing it. I know you’re demoralized from consistent nerfs, and as a necromancer and former WoW pally, I can empathize. However, it’s in this weakened state that we find our strengths. When a class is weak, its players will make it strong . Eventually the devs will buff the class, as well, and leave the players who suffered through the nerf days in a better place.

Now is the best time to roll a mesmer if you have never played one before, or if it’s been a long while since you have. The class is weak, so you will have to learn your own ferocity & resourcefulness. The string of nerfs, in my eyes, is only a slow redesign of the class.

The class & its players have earned my respect. As it sits, it is a high risk class that punishes missteps.

Homeworld: Dragonbrand—Necro main Sors Immani, leader of Ripple Effect [RE]
aka Thalakos Dralnu, Voxt Umultus, and Jalis Haafingar.
Vulgarity is no substitution for wit.