Showing Posts For SoulSeeker.2704:

[SAnD] Great guild recruiting on Northern Shiverpeaks - Are we the right fit for you?

in Guilds

Posted by: SoulSeeker.2704


hey there, ok so i’m new to gw, i’ve played wow for years and finally decided to switch… are you still recruiting my cousin and i need an active guild to make this game a bit more fun… i’m available most mornings/afternoons and i’m willing to transfer but i’d like to know if you guys are still recruiting before i do…

Aegis Nation [AOG] Is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: SoulSeeker.2704


when do you wvw? are you active (actually doing group activities) during the morning/afternoon?

looking for AM active guild

in Guilds

Posted by: SoulSeeker.2704


i’m looking for a guild that is active in wvw during the day. i’m willing to switch servers so long as your server isn’t full (since i will be locked out)

send me a message and let me know what’s out there

Any active guilds on Henge?

in Guilds

Posted by: SoulSeeker.2704


lol yeah henge is garbage i’m looking for a new realm also

LF WvW Guild on during day

in Guilds

Posted by: SoulSeeker.2704


i need to find a guild who’s running WvW around 10am-4pm pacific