Showing Posts For SoulWarden.8197:
Shoot, you could add all different kinds of rewards for reaching thresholds, earning streaks, and participating….. even investing your time to explore(think that hidden pirate event in Lion’s Arch, fun and brilliant by the way)
Things like karma vendors with more unique items or skins for a piece of armor or weapons, titles, mats, gold, drop rates, recipes, are just a few ideas…..
what about the possibility of unlocking certain zones, like the skritt kindom?
I LOVE DE in GW2 and the examples I listed are just a few things that made the game shine and tremendously fun.
I will be stopping by this thread to read other’s thoughts…..often.
Hawkian….. your base idea for giving end game players incentive for completing the awesome content that Anet has put into this game is honestly awesome. And I am with you 110% on believing some system, implemented in this fashion, would yield VERY HIGH numbers of players to explore the world and STAY out in the world. Rather than just sitting at the HUB.
The reward doesn’t have to be your exact idea, as you have said, BUT this NEEDS to become a thing.
Because even the Traits thing Anet is implementing to have players explore will only have a short term impact, and then the activity will die back down again.
I actually had the same question, good on you for starting it.
Honestly I would be SO stoked if we could!