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YouTube journalists need to cover this

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Soyaman.7096


Editing an FAQ is not false advertisement.
It’s also always stated that everything might change during development.

I’m as mad about the pricing as everyone else but you guys are just nit picking things right now.

It’s not false advertisement, it’s not illegal, it’s in their full right, it’s a little bit scummy and slightly disappointing. But people are not being entitled either.

All it is.. Is an overpriced game.
Wait for a sale.
Don’t pre-purchase, especially when you haven’t even got all the information about what you’re getting.

If they don’t sell enough copies they’ll likely lower the price so that more people may pick it up.

To pick up Heart of Thorns?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Soyaman.7096


I haven’t played Guild Wars 1, though I’d have to say it’s more like the World Of Warcraft talent tree in a sense.

And since I’m not the greatest at relaying information, I can get you a few resources that’ll explain it a little better than I can.

(You may have already read these, and if you have, I don’t have any more info)

That should give you a decent idea of how they function. And for a basic overview of what’s to come, look into the Guild Wars 2 HoT wiki page, it shows what has been shown to us so far.

By the way, not all of the Elite Specializations have been released yet. Only the Mesmer, Guardian, and Necromancer have been shown.

I hadn’t read those.
Thanks a lot – That is excellent !

I assume by lack of general information we’re still quite far off HoT release?
I suppose it doesn’t surprise me. When GW2 was announced (Pre-order ‘officially’ type announced) it didn’t even have half its classes revealed.

Well, excited to see what may pop up – Perhaps I’ll lurk for a few days before hibernation until a later date when more info is available

YouTube journalists need to cover this

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Soyaman.7096


I mean.. Really this is just an overpriced game, nothing more nothing less.

Totalbiscuit covered games like Dungeons 2 (Or was it Jim Sterling?) Saying “It was alright, but rather expensive” (Not actual quote)
The game itself is 45 euro (60 dollar?)

I know this is an expansion and not the same thing – While I agree the pricing is a bit over the top it’s not like it’s anything worth covering.
Not to mention we’re on top of E3.

To pick up Heart of Thorns?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Soyaman.7096


A good amount of material is yet to be released (Mostly about the PvE map size and area it will take up), and the fact that there isn’t a release date is a tad odd.

There’s a new WvW map, Guild Halls (If you haven’t seen the new about those), more difficult group content, a new class: The Revenant, a PvP map, and Elite specializations.

Unlike the things mentioned above, the regular trait system was reworked and will be a part of a free update.

The story will most likely require a level 80 character to play. However, there isn’t too much to say about the campaign in the area so far.

As for if you should purchase it? If you like what you see so far, (Guild Halls, A new WvW map, Elite specializations, etc) and YOU think it’s worth $50 to pre-purchase something without a release date, that is 100% okay. But, you do have to keep in mind you might be disappointed if they don’t release as much as you were expecting.

If anyone else would care to add to this.

Thanks for the response.

Probably isn’t catching as much attention as it is quite early/late so I imagine a lot of people asleep at the moment. Might have to bump it later.

What exactly is this “Elite specialisation” how does it work? Is it like Elite (gold) skills from GW1 or can it be compared to “Talents” from World of Warcraft?

Also how will the trait re-work function?
I did hear something about it which I figured was a good change as I never liked the “Get stats for free” deal that they offered, though I never found any actual explanation.

Slowpoke.jpeg - Destroyers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soyaman.7096



So I long time ago since I played GW2 but I distinctly remember seeing Destroyers in the world of GW2 while questing.

Was this intentional?
I mean as far as lore goes Destroyers being awake is the sign of imminent doom.
Have they awoken again? Did father destroyer dragon come home?

Maybe it’s just scattered disconnected ones which never was caught (These were rather low level I believe)
Or perhaps it was just a basic destroyer-like theme on a unit which I thought was Destroyers but really wasn’t..

Thoughts? Answers? xD

I’ve not played GW2 for a long time so I’ve missed a lot of these story events so if anyone who’s followed it religiously could help me that’d be golden

To pick up Heart of Thorns?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Soyaman.7096


Hey guys !
Long time lurker, Subscribed to Anets Youtube but sadly not active on the forum.

Been following Guild Wars 1 since it came out and of course has acquired every expansion

Now I haven’t played GW2 in a long time and I’m not sure if it has a lot of actual content added on top of it.
I expect the situation to be similar to how GW1 handled it. Tweaks, support, bug fixing and events.

So I’m excited to see a whole new section of the map unlocked.

However none of the released videos on Anets youtube has struck me with any particular interest.
Some of the things I’ve tried watching but it was literally just a group of people talking to themselves for 45 minutes. – Boring.
I’m sorry, I normally like to watch Dev commentaries and messing about but I had to dig so deep to even attempt to find what I was looking for that I eventually gave up..

So now I’m here! – Back to the point.

Should I pick up Heart of Thorns?
How much content does it add exactly and what do we expect to see?
I saw one class with an energy bar that looked a bit similar to the good old days (FINALLY!) but beyond that I didn’t see much. I heard about Specialisations but I couldn’t get any solid information so if anyone could give me a detailed (or short, up to you ) briefing on what is on the table I’d be grateful !

Will HoT contain a full fledged campaign similarly to Factions/Nightfall which I can level up a new character with or is it more similar to Eye of the North which requires a levelled character?

Anything HoT adds is worthy of mention to me by the way. Even what might be added in a free patch (if that’s a thing?)

Thanks a lot before-hand.

(edited by Soyaman.7096)

As a GW1 player; What I found missing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soyaman.7096


Long-time stalker. Played at release, put it down after a couple of levels (40-50?), Massive fan of the Guild Wars universe. (Obviously owner of the collector’s edition as a result Rawr Charr figure!)

I’ve not been following Anets development cycle / announcements so I’m hoping maybe someone could help me shed some light onto the topic below.

So going into Guild Wars 2 it obviously lacked a greater amount of customisation than its previous iteration I’m wondering if Anet will be doing anything to bring a more wide variety of abilities, especially for the first half of your bar.
Being limited to a certain weapons and skills associated with said weapon is all right but it took away a lot of choice. I personally loved to play as a Ranger / Assassin tank with Beastmastery as a focus using only 3 of my skills dedicated to my weapon. – Has any stream or anything similar mentioned anything remotely similar to anything which will resolve this pet peeve of mine?

Also the lack of Energy.
Energy was probably the best mechanic of GW1, much superior to the old MMO concept “mana”. It allowed you to manage your resource in a much more meaningful way. I felt like a lot of the abilities in GW1 was held back by cooldowns or damage without a resource system to counter-act it.
Heal Party ( ) was an excellent example of a powerful spell with practically no cooldown which only limitation was the huge drain on your resource (15 out of 40 for a monk) The only class with a resource system was the Assassin (GW2) if I remember correctly but sadly it’s not the type of arch-type I intended playing as.

Has A-net put down any thoughts regarding the lack of resources and if they’re trying (or have tried but failed?) to bring it back?

I realise this is probably a bit late and I should’ve posted by Release but the forum was flooded with other problems so I didn’t want to add onto the problem.
A new expansion however is on the horizon so hopefully some spilling of their future design philosophies has been put out there. I’d greatly appreciate any attempt at finding anything remotely similar to what I’ve brought up and what Anet’s stance on them are.

Thank you very much .