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The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Sparky.6897


So I play thief as my main. Have an elementalist and ranger alt.
I play in WvW a lot and never in SPvP- to give you some idea I have 5600 kills in WvW and over 1300 badges of honour.
I play in instances a lot too, so have an opinion on PvE also.

Please note: I say the above not as a statement of my greatness, but only to illustrate my gameplay and experience of this game.

In WvW:
Firstly, let me say that the nerfs have been noticed. I do not feel as stong as I once did.

Secondly in WvW the thief is not OP. I say this because, one on one, any class can beat me….so long as they are well played. Warriors, Glads and Mesmers in particular regularly take me down when they are well played. I also regularly kill them too – these are good fights.

There is an issue with RENDERING in WvW as we all know. This can give me an advantage when operating in the middle of an enemy zerg. This is an issue with the game engine and not the thief however.

If I was looking for changes to the class then I think that the whole steal line needs reworking.

I still find that our condition dmg builds seriously lack when compared to more direct damage and this could be looked at.

Overall, please Anet, do not listen to the lowest common denominator. I have seen too many great games fall because of the vocal minority. As my grandmother used to say: the empty barrel makes the most noise.

(edited by Sparky.6897)