Showing Posts For Sprengis.3142:

Project Blacktide - Pan Continental Alliance Looking for US and EU Guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Sprengis.3142


If you like kyrillic signs and russians, Baclktide is the place to be! Now seriously, i thought it´s a russian server? Used to play in BWE1 on Blacktide and it was flooded with signs i could not read and i see a lot of russians guilds in WvW.

I cant fully agree with You on this one. Now personally me, i havent noticed any Russian kyrillic text in Map chat, sometimes there might pop up some russian words or in chats but really the communication language is English. Someone is better with it and someone is not, yet its English. At least now…. Not sure about how it was at the game launch + 2 weeks.

So if someone is concerned about “What language is primary” U can be 95% sure its English.