See entire here, where credit is due. It is in-depth.
There is much more than just a ‘basic’ list of faults, and thinking otherwise is suspension of disbelief. Nothing that can’t be fixed, but address is absolutely needed.
This material is how I feel without re-writing it:
(Long Post)
So I actively run all 8 Professions. I run them until I understand them and until I can be decent with even the worst of skill and traits. Necromancer was my first love, I’ve ran it from day 1 on the BWE until now, I’ve been tuned in to all the changes and I keep hoping that ANet will correct some flaws.
But, at this point iv’e got to say: Necro is hands down the weakest profession in the game with some pretty big flaws/bugs in it at the moment. And it KILLS me that it’s this way. I want to LOVE necro so badly but there is so much WRONG with the traits, builds and abilities.
All of this is in regards to SPvP of course.
But even the condition necro has flaws:
First up – Lingering Curse does not stack with Hemophilia – So you can’t get 33% longer conditions from the scepter and have 20% longer bleed values. Weather this is a bug or by design I do not know, or it could simply be a UI glitch . Actual testing shows that they don’t (As far as I can tell)
But I’ll stop myself there if I am going to get into what’s wrong with the Necro’s I better do it by the categories.
Oh the staff how we are forced to take you. There isn’t a build out there that doesn’t have a staff in it, and if there is it’s for PVE. First off it is a totally contradictory weapon with an exceptionally weak spam able attack combined with an assortment of conditions. Simply put we are forced to take this because of the utility rather than anything it does simply because Necrotic Grasp is a Combo Finisher. I’d rather trade whatever meager damage this has and give it some sort of condition.
Nothing worse than switching to this weapon in combat (as a condition Necro) to use it’s Marks and then spending a good 10 sec’s being useless as you spam Necrotic Grasp hitting for around 300 dmg a pop until you can switch weapons.
I agree that overall there is more than a ‘basic’ list of things that need to be changed, but in the limited capacity of 5,000 words per post I wasn’t willing to try to blog out everything I’d found here. The intention is that people like you, will (and you have), lay out more issues that I wasn’t aware of.
I really loved your account of “running around useless” with the staff. Let the first necro who hasn’t experienced this please step forward. The auto attack DMG on the staff is just pitiful. I have no idea why its so low. The only time you can get a decent amount of DMG out of it is when massive groups are involved. Piercing bolts as I stated does often get me into trouble anyway.
Our other weapons have far too short of a range and much too low DMG for the risk taking they involve. Who is crazy enough to get Dagger or Axe range on a warrior? You’re going to get demolished.
I don’t have much experience in sPvP and I’m glad we have some players here who’re clearly much more experienced in that area. I am much more focused in PvE currently, but do have plans to step into sPvP in a more regular and serious way, but have been holding off a bit, for obvious reasons.
I think our problems start in the Weapons department, where everything just feels weird, and damage is seriously lacking. Many of the abilities in our Utility skills lack any type of synergy, our pets are almost too dumb to use at all (and too squishy without specific Traits), and most of the rest of our abilities are just downright odd and almost useless.
Plague/Lich Form are decent Elite skills, both tarnished in their own ways by bugs/bad mechanics. Flesh Golem is really a good pet and if they could make him controllable and halfway intelligent it could really help solo necromancers out.
Our Traits I’ve found aren’t very impressive either. I’ve been slotting for things I feel like I should probably get for free. Heal on Life Transfer being one of the few that I really like, along with Protection w/ Well placement.
Even if they fixed pet AI (and gave us control of them) they’d still be largely useless in an environment where a Warrior or Boss can 1 shot almost all of them. They need some kind of AoE DMG reduction, or at the very least flanking behaviors. Pets also need some sort of scaling mechanic, which I do not believe they have. Gaining a coefficient of the Owner’s Stats would probably be hugely beneficial for all the minion masters out there.
I like the idea behind the necromancer, and I really do like the Kit, but the numbers, the bugs, and some of the mechanics need to be fixed, buffed, and generally brought up to par with other professions in the game.