Showing Posts For Squirrelygod.1864:
Bruce mother fin Campbell
It has stayed in our circle but sill resets at 75%
As you level up the teleport costs go up. They will become immune to inflation as soon as you hit 80.
As you level up loot drops from equal level mobs increase.
Unfortunately the inflation it gets up to by the time your 80 is kitten and I am 80 and in MF gear and 99% of the loot is still garbage. The loot table is pretty unbalanced.
not really getting an increase in income (like real life unfortunately)
It’s even costing an arm and a leg to fast travel now a days.
Personal Story | level 80 | Against the corruption | blocked at Cathedral
Posted by: Squirrelygod.1864
The Abom and his endless spawning mobs are bs and I’m just done trying till it’s fixed.