Showing Posts For Steelfoot.1052:

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steelfoot.1052


Gaile Gray

121119-002879 I followed up on this today; the answers you got weren’t right and I’m sorry

It’s alright. I’m actually pretty happy to have received a response from support after issues with MMO support systems in the past. Better a polite, friendly, but somewhat off-the-mark response than “eh, tough cookies” or no response at all.

I just received the booster set about 5 minutes ago; got up to get a drink and they were waiting for me in my mailbox. Thank you so much for your help, Gaile!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steelfoot.1052


Hey, I’m doing that thing you told me to do in my other thread!

Upgraded From Trial, No Reward and New ID Number [Incident: 121119-002879]

Original Ticket on 11/19/2012

Instead of using the in-game prompt to upgrade my account from the weekend trial to a full digital copy, I used the website to buy a digital copy and activated the serial code as described over in the support section of the site, located here: . Though this seems to have worked perfectly, I never received the set of boosters as a reward for upgrading to a full version. Additionally, my player ID changed from Steelfoot.1049 to Steelfoot.1052, which doesn’t seem to have affected the game experience yet, but it is making me a little anxious… Is there any way to fix the ID number change and award me the boosters? Thanks!

Additional Information
On the suggestion of a poster in my previous thread, the order number is 30458760 and it was for a Digital Edition. If there’s any more information needed, let me know and I’ll get it here as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Upgraded Account During Trial, No Boosters

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steelfoot.1052


Alrighty, will do. Thanks, Gaile!

Upgraded Account During Trial, No Boosters

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steelfoot.1052


Hey, wanted to update this one since it’s still an outstanding issue, and I’ve not received a response in a while.

I didn’t submit multiple tickets, though my ticket doesn’t have complete purchase information. I think the bigger issue is actually ensuring that the support staff knows what my ticket is about. Unfortunately, due to the (perhaps intentional) timing of the Refer A Friend Weekend occurring at the same time as the Lost Shores event, I end up with responses that are entirely unrelated to my issue. For example, this one I got four days ago that is, at this point, the last response from support:

Support Team Member Landry


Thank you for your patience while we investigate the issue you reported regarding the Lost Shores event. We’re aware that some players were not able to receive the reward chest at the end of the event after having put in a lot of effort. We’re very sorry that happened and we’re investigating the possibility of restoring the reward to everyone who was affected. We will update you early next week when we know all the details on exactly how we will accomplish this restoration.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding!

I never actually participated in the Lost Shores event (mostly due to lack of ability to even figure out where to go to start!), but they seem stuck on the idea that I’m looking for the reward chest. It was the same for the previous communication from support.

At this point it’s been well over a week since I registered, and though it’s not really hindering me not to have a booster pack and three subracted from my account ID number (and I’m quite enjoying the game), it’s kind of the principle of the thing. I registered, expected a booster pack, got nothing, and am wondering where it went, plus I haven’t heard from support since before Thanksgiving, and even then it was nothing relevant. I feel like my ticket hasn’t been even really read yet, since it seems everyone that’s contacted me has talking about something entirely unrelated.

Should I update the ticket again? Does that bump it up in the system or something?

I'm An Angry Mob, What Stats Should I Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Steelfoot.1052


Hey, I’m a level 35ish Mesmer right now who just bought the game after the free trial weekend, and though I was initially attracted to the class due to a natural enjoyment of “disabler” classes in other games, that never really panned out. Maybe it’s because the class and its play style change drastically as you advance, but in any case, I just didn’t get into what I expected. Instead, I fell in love with clones and phantasms, and the deception aspect that employing them brings to the battlefield. As such, I’ve been working on a build that uses illusions as primary sources of damage, only rarely using the shatter mechanics, and treating solo PvE as a four-man affair. The resulting combat style looks something like an angry mob of identical norn men with a few transparent purple ones tossed in for good measure. I’m just now picking up on the combo mechanics and seem to be using them to great effect, but I’m not sure what to build. Right now I’m heavily leaning on Power, with Precision as a secondary, but having come from an MMO in which health stats are on every piece of equipment (you know the one), I feel like my equipment should have significantly more defensive stats. I can take maybe five or six hits from a monster of my level before being downed, which is far less than I’m used to. However, the ability to dodge and the naturally AI-confusing mechanics of playing a Mesmer seem to shore up that “weakness.” I’ve never been a fan of feeling like a glass cannon, but it seems I’m only one if I let myself be one.

That said, I’m still not entirely certain what to buy on equipment. Some searching led me to a build called “Legion” that seems to have similar interests to my own, but the reading is fairly light and seems to have a focus on building the character for a PvP scenario rather than the PvE I prefer. Indeed, there’s not much to be read on “standard” Mesmer play at all; most of the guides I’ve found have been either entirely PvP-focused or assume you already know the nuances of the Mesmer class! Additionally, there seems to be a lot of conflict of information, likely due to a recent patch (there was a nerf recently? Doesn’t feel like it), so I’m coming to the forums to try to figure out what to do next.

What stats should I be purchasing for a Mesmer that uses his illusions as his primary vehicle for damage? If it helps, I’m using a Greatsword primary with a secondary sword and pistol combo.

By the way, here’s a link to what I’m intending to look like from a skills and traits perspective. Any suggestions there?

Thanks guys!

Upgraded Account During Trial, No Boosters

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steelfoot.1052


Hey, I upgraded from a trial account during the free trial weekend and never received the booster pack that was associated with upgrading. Also, the number ahead of my user name changed from 1049 to 1052. I’ve tried asking via the support ticket system, but they seem to be sweeping me up with the people that were affected by the Lost Shores event stuff, which is entirely unrelated to my issue (I didn’t even participate in the event!).

What should I do?


Free Trial Questions and Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Steelfoot.1052


Hey, this is a relatively minor problem so far, but still it’s making me kind of anxious about possible issues in the future arising from it, and there’s nothing in the thread about anything like it, so I might as well post it.

Long story short, instead of upgrading my account from the trial through the prompt in-game, I bought a digital copy on the site and went through the process to tie a serial code to an existing account as described here in the support section. Upon doing so, I was logged out of my account on the site, and upon logging back in, discovered that instead of Steelfoot.1049, I was now Steelfoot.1052. This extended into the game itself. I still seem to have access to my character, bank, and so on, and my friends list seems okay, but I don’t know if it affected anything else, since I have no way to check (I had no mail from any player, so I can’t tell if I lost any or not) so I’m kind of worried that I might run into an issue at some point in the future, or worse, lost my character tomorrow after the trial ends.

Plus, I feel kind of awkward being three ID numbers off from where I started, and my booster pack hasn’t come yet.

Is this normal behavior for an upgrade? Did my somewhat roundabout process of upgrading make any difference at all? Is the ID number change a regular symptom of the upgrade, or signs of something more sinister? Can I get my old number back? Am I a big hypochondriac baby?

Thank you in advance!