Showing Posts For Steelgrave.5734:

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Steelgrave.5734


I said “upcoming content update”. We have not had one this week, but one is planned for the Lost Shores update later today.

Which is still not the same as saying it will be in the Lost Shores update, but merely an inference that can be drawn.

Jeff, I respect and appreciate that you’ve stayed vocal on this issue, but seriously, a game that sells itself on “personal” story as one of its important features and then fails to fix said story in a timely manner when it breaks calls its developers professionalism into question.

In most any other MMO (of course including certain well known competitors), a problem such as this, with such a integral part of the game as this, would have been hot-fixed the moment a resolution was available. Instead you admittedly make your customers wait for your to tack it on as part of a content release. Almost as an afterthought.

The message some of your customers hear when you do that is, “We’ll fix it when we feel like it.” That does not seem terribly professional.

I just hope your projection is correct, and we see this fixed when Lost Shores goes active. Otherwise some of us may be forced to conclude that your company lacks appropriate dedication to its customers and its product.

You’ve made such an excellent game, now make an excellent customer service experience, for your sake as well as ours.

And yes, I too suffer from this, as some game developers would consider it, game breaking bug.

(edited by Steelgrave.5734)