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S/D vs. D/P

in Thief

Posted by: StephenD.3782


In WvW at least 2 in SA is essential if you want a well rounded build on D/P. S/D can clear conditions on infiltrator’s return, D/P needs Shadow’s Embrace. Flat out needs it. The condition spam isn’t so bad at the moment while longbow rangers are popular but any decent engi or necro will shred a D/P thief that doesn’t have condition removal in stealth. And for initiative efficiency you need infusion of shadows, so that is 4 in SA. Then you might as well go the full whack and go 6 in SA for the might and health regen in stealth. D/P has such good synergy with SA traits that if you want a build that is viable against any class and build (and in WvW specifically you will encounter them all sooner or later) then you need it. Trickery D/P build is a gimmick, it seriously struggles against certain builds, especially condition heavy ones. SA is just more versatile and viable.

Can you give me a good example of a full SA build for D/P?


in Thief

Posted by: StephenD.3782


HI i am new here and decided straight away to choose the thief because its the same type of class I’ve always played. I’ve only just started but i noticed one thing the stealth doesn’t work in the same way as other games have. The stealth seems to come off abilities which activate a short burst of stealth which in turn gives the thief chance to pull off some burst. (also certain ones removing debuffs). Something i am wondering is why is their no Activate stealth button out of combat and whats the longest possible chain to stay in stealth.