Showing Posts For Steve.4265:

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Steve.4265



Sorry buddy but i think we are looking at this from totally different viewpoints. You can put up as many nice little maps linking things together as you want the simple fact is NOTHING states the EU is for only EU players. Nothing unless ive totally missed something.

Putting EU/NA in front of server name was a silly idea cause it gives people something to brandish when sabre rattling when talking about those “nasty americans” who come to batter down our doors in the dead of night.

Lot more i want to go on about but wont due to the fact of a quick lockdown of this page and insta ban.

Its a game. Play within the guidlines set and have fun. Too much moaning on these pages and the most of it comes from a set group of people. out..time for a pint

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Steve.4265


Until ANet says otherwise, EU brackets is supposed to be for EU players. Non-EU players have nothing to do here.

Actually i think you’ll find its the other way around. Until ANet sais that the EU bracket is just for EU players and the NA bracket is just for the NA players then anyone is free to play wherever they wish

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Steve.4265


It is not an exploit to play on an EU server.

I was going to write something along the exact same lines. Think the word “exploit” should be explained in detail to help him in future.

Generally i dont comment on this crap but FSP have just moaned so much in the last few days its annoying.

If RUIN had moved to your server there would not be a whisper about “Nightcapping” or any of the bullwinkle that has flown through these pages since last week. Was really expecting this to be a good week of fighting again but you seem to be better at moaning on forum pages and claiming you are the best at prime time. Think you should look more internally and sort that out before you go looking for the exact same sort of guild you claim are “exploiting” the EU bracket.

Wonder why RUIN never chose you guys?? Looking through these pages its not hard to see why. You really, really could learn alot from Blacktide. They were warriors and gentlemen throughout. Fought right to the last. Looking forward to seeing them again.

Glad your here RUIN and keep up the good work.

Peace, im out

P.S Obviously this aint aimed at all of FSP. Some have come across perfectly decent and honourable. Its for the ones with posts every few hrs with excuses and abuse

What is the funniest pet name you have used or seen?

in Ranger

Posted by: Steve.4265


Called my Bear Necessities after the jungle book song… Would love that song to play as me Necessities run into battle