Showing Posts For Steve.5034:

Please Remove the Swamp

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Steve.5034


If to complete it, it requires a facility not in the game , i.e. voice comms, its bad design and should be redone/removed

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve.5034


So we are going to need some form of gear score, publicly viewable agony resistance or inspect. What is your plan to address this ANet?

Also, what kind of player number cap are you putting on these dungeons? I mean 5 players is all well and good but it doesn’t feel anything like as epic as killing a mighty dragon with say, 25 or 40 people.

Why not just call it WOW as well. Put in your changes and people like you can stand yelling “LFG. Come to Lion Arch for inspection” and “LFG, Gear Score 2000 required”

When will you people realise that the vast majority don’t want that type of crap anymore and we found it here. Until now!

Thanks for reading, and thankyou arenanet for finally listening to the community ^^

They did the opposite.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve.5034


First time I’ve felt the need to make a post on these forums but this really is a sad development for this game and is a huge mistake. Want evidence Arenanet?
Speak to LOTRO developers/players about the grind that was Radiance.

High end content inflicted Dread on you and the only way to counter it was Radiance on your gear. How did you get it? A long slow grind over months or forget ever seeing high end content.


A huge grind to allow gated access to high end content which is exactly what this and was WITHDRAWN due to the huge exodus of people who were sick of not being able to do high end content without a huge amount of radiance that took months to grind.
Eventually, but for many players way too late, they recognised the joke this was and removed it.

Why on earth have you gone down any route like this when this game was supposed not pander to the 24/7 hardcore types and now does so in the worst possible way and a proven total FAILURE.