Showing Posts For Stingz.7392:

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Stingz.7392


@Stingz.7392 what dye is that? its almost glass like shiny^^

i use Celestial, Gold & Silver dye. The shiny glassy look is the effect the Legendary hammer Juggernaut gives as a coating to armor

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Stingz.7392


Heres my Guardian, finished Juggernaut a few days ago


Spare Ascended Gear Options! (salvage)??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stingz.7392


Over the months since Fractals was released i have been lucky enough to get 15+ rings from dailies….. YET, 10 or so of them are not what so ever useful to me….
Was hoping Anet would change something so i can get rid of the useless rings sitting in my bank..

Whether its Trade in for 3 Pristine Relics or 50 Relics or even made Salvageable???

Anyone else have ideas like this?? dont really wana sell for less than 5s and alts dont need them aswell….. wasted really…

No Ascended Amulets with Pristine Relics???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stingz.7392


Title says it all really?
No option to buy the new Ascended amulets with pristine relics like rings
i have pristine relics sitting just in bank doin nothin and needing nothing?
35 laurels is a bit steep to get an amulet, that’ll be a gud month to get, and thats just on one character….

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Stingz.7392


My pride and joy thief.
