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Constant lag and inconvenient Disconnects...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stoney Malloney.3128

Stoney Malloney.3128

Dear ANet,

Since nearly a week or so I have been experiencing constant lag spikes. Some of them last around 20-30 seconds and cause me to disconnect, but most of the time, I cannot interact with NPCs or objects, loot bodies, my skills have the lag of a kitten and basically, the game is unplayable.

Before we get the response this has to be client based, I can guarantee it is not. On two different systems, both specced well above the requirements for GW2 (I7-2600k + ATI HD6850 and I7-740QM + ATI HD5870M) on different locations with different ISP’s (a 20Mb and 8Mb connection respectively) I get lag that really sucks all the fun out of the game.

It does not matter where I am in the game, in busy zones, or personal storylines, the lag happens everywhere, all the time. Could you be so kind to fix this? I soon will see myself forced to play something else instead cause I find the joy to be diminishing at a very quick rate.

Thank you very much!

Edit: Server = Desolation; Disconnects occurred on Gendarran Fields during personal storyline, Cursed Shore normal zone and Lornar’s Pass normal zone.

(edited by Stoney Malloney.3128)