Showing Posts For Storm Blacklion.6435:
Do they wear socks with slippers?
Recent announcement of changes to commander tag seems like increased purchase of it over all in game and in September 9th we will have more colors that will turn your mini map full of skittles. i know that commander tag is necessity in wvw and certain world events (wurm/teq) but if you look at other world events we don’t even need one tag. isn’t anyone disturbed by these unnecessary amount tags on your screen? or missed ore/wood node because tag is hiding it? would anet ever going to take action to clean this visual pollution?
pic taken from karka event last night that i have counted about 20 of them on presence.
I have one simple suggestion for devs. add option to settings to turn off commander tags in pve(excluding your guild members)
Here is gold sink suggestion for anet . Tie commander tag to current dye system we have for armor. Then you pay based on rarety of dye.. uncommon 75g, rare100g ect but first you have to unlock the color you want. So if you want black as commander tag color buy dye then pay extra 100g then we will have skittles all over the place or…. 250 commanders can gather up in one map and draw pictures.
Btw i am just kidding. It should be same price and colors come free addition to that there should be turn on/off option for people in pve and pvp who doesnt wanna see tags all the time.
I don’t even know where to start.. pointless wvw tournaments ? (did u see a basketball tournament with 5players versus 7players?) megaserver that doesn’t work as they said ? I am in a guild with 10-20 ppl online after reset we go to fire ele, oh cant see any of my guildies not even ppl in my party and what about scheduled world bosses? does Anet think of us as no life gamers ? if you cant log on 9pm est no karka for you! can’t see if anyone doing lyssa or not wps contested… and it goes on and on…
as long as Anet ignores ppl nothing will change…