Showing Posts For Storyteller.5402:
I personally love the pitch black areas in the game as well. Forsaken Halls is perhaps my favorite. Like some previous poster, I would like to see a larger complex that is totally dark, which could be explored. Torches and other sources of carryable light seem to work very well. If more dark areas would be added, they would actually become more useful as that – a light source.
I can second this. I’ve hated the aegis graphic since the beginning, and hoped at least an option to turn it off. It ruins the visual image of Guardian shields… and generally just all weapons, since it’s there, even without a shield.
Maybe the aegis could be changed to a thin blue outline around the shield? Or the graphic removed altogether, and left it at icon level. Plenty of buffs don’t have lasting visuals, including speed buffs and regeneration.
I agree that the existing racial armors should not be changed. Now players who already were comfortable with their outfits have been forced to glow, even though they don’t want to.
I lead a long-time sylvari guild on Piken Square, and the changes are disliked by generally everyone of us I’ve spoken with. We would like to see the old armor colors return.
If you want to provide us glowing armor, please add new armor skins of sylvari armor into the game, WITH the glow. Do not change already made armors.
Best regards,
I agree that the existing racial armors should not be changed. Now players who already were comfortable with their outfits have been forced to glow, even though they don’t want to.
I lead a long-time sylvari guild on Piken Square, and the changes are disliked by generally everyone of us I’ve spoken with. We would like to see the old armor colors return.
If you want to provide us glowing armor, please add new armor skins of sylvari armor into the game, WITH the glow. Do not change already made armors.
Best regards,
All of this is extremely useful for us non-musicians. Keep it coming!
I’m all for variety, and feel that it is nice that they have introduced multiple choices, even if it would require for more practice.
I have to say I love the 2-octave scale, as it makes changing quicker and playing easier.
That I noticed.
I just meant that it plays very well with a flute.
Someone has already managed the Guild Wars song “Fear Not This Night”.
Could some pro make a sheet out of it?
peers at the last messages hopefully
Now if they’d make it so you can Esc out of a note to keep it from holding, it’ll be perfect. That, and learning the Wind Melody..which I can’t find the sheet music for.
I ermh, take you mean wind melody as the naruto theme song
dumdum, anime-sheetmusic!
And game-sheetmusic!;)
It would be great to see more of these songs tranferred to the flute-playing numbers, the same way as the Marriner’s Horn here: