Showing Posts For StrangerChain.9268:
I posted earlier about me personally making a website for party finding for dungeons, but the admins moved it to suggestions section (it is not a suggestion and it will not get read there).
link to original
I want to know before I get this going, how much interest there is in me making a website to find a party.
It will not work if there is no one using it, so i thought i would ask and see what people wanted from a party finder.
(Admins! This is not a suggestion to the game!)
If anyone wants to see a very basic demo, let me know. I have it up on my domain, but i do not want to broadcast it yet.
(edited by StrangerChain.9268)
Screw guilds. My guild started a run without me and I was forced to PUG with the worse group EVER. I’m not even exaggerating… We had one person who was always going ahead and pulling mobs, another who was HORRIBLE at jumping puzzles (FOTM is full of JPs), another who would always die, and lastly, one who was always behind. There was me, basically pulling this group along by my teeth made of tree bark. This was only level 1. I can’t fathom the horrors that would have occured if we were doing any other level. We need a system that will balance everything out.
“Join a guild.”? I’m loyal to my guild. I’m not a member of any other guild besides the one I have stuck with through WoW. If they decide to run a dungeon without me then I’m stuck. Oh well, right?
@StrangerChain you’re a cool guy. If you can make this happen then I will kittening love you bro.
I can make it happen, But it wont work if there are like 4 people using it
I can make any kind or search criteria we want ( race, lvl, build, etc)
A personality test may be a bit much for round one, since i am not sure how high the interest is
Hello all,
I was just curious about how much interest there would be in a party finder for dungeons.
I am a software dev and i could make one ( not part of the game of course )
I HATE the amount of time it takes to find a party for a dungeon, and having to spam “LFG” in chat to find one.
I was thinking something simple, like a webpage, that you could go to and put your in-game name ( so people can invite you to party ), the dungeon you want (story or exp), and your class type ( tank, dps, etc. ).
It shouldn’t take long to build ( im not going to put tons of effort into things like styling it unless it gets really popular ), but i wanted to know how much interest there would be.
What kind of features would you want?
Would you want to require a login?
It would save on spam and also allow to delete posts, or i could just have them timeout after a given time.
any comments?
I would just be afraid to put effort into it and no one use it