Showing Posts For Stynard.8914:

bunker builds deserve to be nerfed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stynard.8914


2 thieves complaining they can’t kill someone… puts a smile on my face.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Stynard.8914


Nice post OP. I have run something similar some time back and enjoyed it as well.
As for all you other haters!
This is one build, yes, against some it doesn’t work, against others it does. With the multitude of build types, I would argue you can not make one build to rule them all.
To say, in this situation your build is trash there for it is trash, is being a bit….
Also wanted to add, kick doesn’t just knock back, it also interrupts.
Thanks again OP for sharing your experience.

(edited by Stynard.8914)

Yojack's Min/Max, home of the Yojack Build 2012 for GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Stynard.8914


Yojack, thank you again for posting this build. Though others may not ‘agree’ with you, you have provided a well thought out build option, while others have not, but seem to claim yours is not good.
It is easy to be critical but to put yourself out there with information coupled with experience often tends to attract negative responses from those that can’t.
Thank you.
Still would like to know which crafting type can craft superior sigil of blood. i.e, amorsmithing?

Am I too old for gaming?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Stynard.8914


OP, yes. It is time to shut down your PC, you probably shouldnt have owned one anyway, relax in that rocking chair, be sure to take your meds, and sink into mindless dribble.
Or, keep that PC on, which despite the story line you seem to not enjoy, explore the various aspects of your character, builds, crafting, game mechanics, be sure to still take your meds, and exercise your mind, with an occasion physical exercise as well.

Rangers are a highly mobile class. You might be doing it wrong

in Ranger

Posted by: Stynard.8914


Great post.
Refreshing to see such positive feedback. Arenanet has done a great job with this game yet people will complain about this and that instead of enjoying what is good.

WvW D/D Elementalist Video

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stynard.8914


Wildclaw, yeah I see what you mean now. The area looked the same and looked like the same profession he was fighting.
I was thinking though, if ele can switch like that, that would be crazy.

WvW D/D Elementalist Video

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stynard.8914


This may be a noob question but, at 7:43-7:44 in your video, it looks like you change skill slot 9 from cleansing fire to mist form while in combat. Is this possible?

WvW D/D Elementalist Video

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stynard.8914


“3v1 and u were taking no DMG.”

I think you were watching the wrong video. He/She was down to a sliver of life.

OP, thank you for sharing the video and how to make D/D more viable. I recently got my Ele to 80 and primarily play D/D. I am not very good at it, but, I like it way better than any of the other weapons, so I continue to hit my head against the wall.

Yojack's Min/Max, home of the Yojack Build 2012 for GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Stynard.8914


Thanks Yojack. Do you happen to know which crafting type makes them?

Yojack's Min/Max, home of the Yojack Build 2012 for GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Stynard.8914


Thank you for your post Yojack.
I have googled, duckduckgo’d, and /wiki but I can not find how to get sigil of blood. Is this something a crafter can make?