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Will there be balance on the 13th?

in PvP

Posted by: SuB.6845


Do you really think they should nerf during active season? This would lead to a lot of angry players. The best I can think of is: one big patch right after season, and one close to the start of the next season, but only some number tweaking.
I feel like the game is quite balanced at this moment, with a lot of viewable builds. I could only think of these changes:
- Slightly fairer tradeoff between offense/defense on guardian
- Engineer has a bit too high sustain (while having moderate damage with some peaks)
- Somehow make the warrior just a bit more mobile

The Mind Games!!!

in PvP

Posted by: SuB.6845


Holding a point as engineer against ~2 Players, trying to kite off all the damage, health is low, starting to run away, they follow me… just to do a 180° turnaround, getting back on the point, healing up and holding it for another 1-2 min. I dont know what they are thinking, but I would be really annoyed.

Why do so many players follow others just because they are outnumbered? I was playing ele (rather bad) and we were losing a match. At the end of the match, I kited 3 people around the whole forest map, because they almost had me downed. Not to mention, we won this.

Which professions should I play in season 5?

in PvP

Posted by: SuB.6845


As far as I see, all professions are playable and will be playable in the next season, if there won’t be a killer-patch. I dont feel like the teamsize changes much. When your team doesnt do much dps, switch tactics.