Showing Posts For SuQi.7849:

horrible longbow changes

in Ranger

Posted by: SuQi.7849


Is remorseless better than eagle eye + piercing and using stealth to reposition? Rather than maximizing vuln stacks with the improved remorseless trait?

Currently using 30/20/20 but looking at at least 30/20/5/0/15 for the added pet damage

Kliyo [TRBO]
Tanya Hammerforge [TRBO]

Mak ONE pet-wish!

in Ranger

Posted by: SuQi.7849


I wish that they increase the melee range for pets by 200 so that it can actually hit moving targets. Does that count as a valid wish?

Kliyo [TRBO]
Tanya Hammerforge [TRBO]