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Top 6 WvW Transfer servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Sulphus.7350


I’m not so sure that TC is a good server to transfer too. TC often get’s stomped by the T2 and especially T1 servers. Though I admit they could use some Oceanic players. Their North America Primetime is already pretty packed. If you do think it’s a good server to transfer too. Europe and as mentioned Oceanic. Otherwise if your NA you will end up with the same 1-3 que’s.

Just depends on what your plans are – if your focus is being on a Tier 1 server for WvW and being in a ultra competitive WvW atmosphere, then no, TC is probably not a good choice. If your focus is being on a server with a nice friendly community that is very active, though not Tier 1 (and probably just shy of what a solid T2 server looks like in WvW, mainly due to coverage times), then it is a good choice.

It is the un-official RP server too, so the diversity of interests on the server makes it kind of unique. Although I’m sure folks would welcome some WvW focused guilds to our server, we are also very happy with the teamwork and positivity we see in both our PVE and WvW environments, even if we aren’t always winning in the WvW maps, and so I personally would hope anyone who came to TC would have this in mind and would seek to help us preserve what I perceive as a very positive community.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sulphus.7350


In response to Stonesolid’s anecdote above, I can just as easily talk about the 3 DB players I killed by myself in a 3 on 1 fight yesterday morning. I can talk about it, but it doesn’t mean all DB players are bad, and yet you say TC players “melt like butter” and you feel like “Moses parting the red sea”. Perhaps you are an above average player, perhaps those people going elsewhere are trying to get to an objective quickly rather than get slowed up fighting you, or perhaps you are exaggerating – hard to really know. In any case, it is one anecdote in possibly hundreds of anecdotes from hundreds of players – WvW can make you feel like a champ one minute, and a klutz the next if you run into a skilled player (or two, or three), but making sweeping generalizations based off your personal anecdotes is odd. Particularly when what I’ve read in this thread for the most part is TC players acknowledging FA and DB player skill (with the odd troll here and there not doing so), only to be met with scornful comments for the most part in return.

Long story short, we acknowledge WvW’s shortcomings when it comes to creating closer and more competitive matchups, but if TC players are so terrible, and our competitor’s players are so god-like, why, even if your numbers were less than ours, is the score so lopsided? And don’t tell me it is because of night-capping, because according to your post, a “single mesmer” can turn back a sea of TC players…just put your mesmers on night duty – problem solved :P. I’m being facetious of course, but my point is, you are making points that aren’t logically connected…you say our players are so terrible and you can turn back a sea of us, and yet you didn’t. “but the numbers were overwhelming”…hey, if you are gonna claim you are Moses, you can’t use overwhelming numbers as an excuse…

So again, I believe reset is today – can we all just agree there are shortcomings Anet needs to fix with WvW, but that doesn’t equate to any one server’s players being baddies or godlike? We all know we have different levels of players on our servers – the sweeping generalizations are silly.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sulphus.7350


Why generally? Why can’t you agree with me completely!? You must! You’re part of Tarnished Coast! And we have to be cohesive! poke AGREE WITH ME COMPLETELY! ;~;

Ok fine! I agree completely! :P


10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sulphus.7350


I generally agree with Usagi’s comments on here.

For transparency’s sake, I’m a TC player.

What I think is important is to distinguish a few things:

- Just because TC could field more numbers than FA or DB this week, does not mean that a) TC are bad players and couldn’t win in a fair fight, or that b) FA and DB are tactical masters and could win if they had more people in WvW. It also doesn’t mean the opposite in either statement. One assertion does not logically lead to the next. And anecdotes about how “I must have killed like 200 people” or something like that also doesn’t mean much, because you can farm a ton of kills just sitting on a siege weapon – it doesn’t make you a great player, it just makes you a person who was at the right place at the right time, and that you are decent at using an arrow cart.

- I think most players, regardless of what server they are on, will agree that night-capping tends to unbalance otherwise decent matchups. I’m a TC player on the good end of this happening this week. But next week, I’ll probably be a TC player on the bad end of it. And you know what? From everything that has been posted, this is intended, though could be made to be a bit less deflating than it is for the servers on the wrong end of things, and Anet has said they hope to address that but don’t feel they should announce plans yet since they aren’t ready to implement them.

- Rather than hurl insults at each other, and try and make yourself feel better for being on the losing server by saying “they only won because of numbers, not skill”, or if you are on the winning server, trying to make yourself feel big and bad by insulting those servers that didn’t have the WvW coverage to make it as competitive as they would have liked, I think all servers should acknowledge that FA, DB, and TC played well this week, say good game, and toast a virtual brew to each other while acknowledging that WvW has some shortcomings that limit competitiveness while the mentioned conditions exist.

/virtual brew toast to TC, FA, and DB!