Showing Posts For Sunstone.1542:

Looking for the Husks of Rage Recipes

in Crafting

Posted by: Sunstone.1542


would love know the recipe for spark of rage.
people are saying random 4 level 80 items in the slot machine (fountain) but that seems abit absurd.

if you have any info please send me a message..


Disturbing bug sound: CLOMP CLOMP!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sunstone.1542


i get this randomly all the time, really loud strange sounds, seems a file is corrupt or something.

Dungeons Need a Finder or Que System

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sunstone.1542


If they just made a Dungeon Que System – The same as WvW or Pvp
It would be far easier. this brings in another issue. the cost of travel in this game is horrendous at level 80 – 4 silver in some cases.

Make it so that you need to have found the dungeon first and be appropriate level.
Its pretty sad this was not thought of or implemented yet, every other major game has it. budget constraints?

Incredibly hard, incredibly unrewarding

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sunstone.1542


Sorry but the dungeons look like they were designed in 1-2 days. nothing was tested many bosses have tons more health or do way to much damage then they should.
and the degree of difficulty does not scale at all its very random.

if your succeeding in the dungeons its because your doing the easy mode ones and choosing the easier explorable path, or simply spam ressing your way through, try some of the other paths.

Its not balanced at all, boss mechanics are not clear in some fights either.
It really needs a good overhaul on the system.

Ive done every story mode and about 1/2 the explorable modes.
Gear does help a lot, but still its very buggy and do them at level 80 its much easier.

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sunstone.1542


Had issues with Ascalonian Catacombs, Twilight Arbor, Caduance Mannor

Many problems with both Story and Explorable Modes – Getting the party into the dungeon can be frustrating.
Found that being in the same overflow or all in the main zone helps.
Sometimes a party reform works and sometimes nothing does.

I recommend the developers do some serious testing to fix these issues, and please implement a DUNGEON FINDER, because spamming main chat is about 5 years to old now. not to mention the spam block in place so you cant even do that properly.

Side Note: While your testing the dungeons you might want to balance some of them a little better (some are extremely easy while others quite hard, in explorer mode some options take 1/4 the time to beat compared to other paths.) and please fix up all the cinematic scenes that have no sound or random camera spans.

I can give you examples but really, as developers you should know your own dungeons like the back of your hand. go run them and see for yourself, many issues.

Monthly achievements not reset from August

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sunstone.1542


yes, can we confirm this is a bug or not from arena net? it has not reset for many of my guild members also.

Monthly achievements not reset from August

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sunstone.1542


How does this achievement work?

I finished the August one on the 29th and now its rolled over to September but my achievement list still says 100% complete. (ie it did not update at all.)

Asking in main chat i was told that the monthly achievements are based off a characters play time.

why is there a month associated with this achievement at all if this is true, it seems either broken or very confusing. please elaborate.


Underwater Loud Random Sounds - Splashing Etc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sunstone.1542


Sometimes i get these random, really loud sounds when fighting underwater they seem very out of place. like a big splash sound then an attack swing but at10x the ingame volume.

its almost like the sound is catching up. because everything thing goes silent when it happens

could this be a corrupt sound file?