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New Culling Trial (Ended)

in WvW

Posted by: Super Best.9240

Super Best.9240

So I should add more video’s than those that are already there?

Except for your guild most people seem to be against this “update”. If you want to ignore what was posted in this thread and troll on then feel free to do so.

Ah well at least it’s finally getting rolled back. Hopefully the next one will be an improvement.

I don’t understand why people like to use the word “trolling” for statements which go against what you think you’ve observed. This is not a subjective change. Things are better. I see more people. I don’t just moan about this because of some subjective experience of getting curb stomped for not having situational awareness.

The video by Angelyne looks like a situation which played out better than it would have in the previous iteration. The enemy loads in late, to be sure, but they load in. Normally there would have been nothing loaded in, at all, and everyone would have been dead before there were enemies to look at. It’s possible to form strategies around this with proper scouting if people are willing to accept that vision changes= balance and strategy changes.

Emo Parvanov’s video shows a small group of enemy players blowing out into a big group when his allies backpedal out of his viewing range. As I said before, in the previous iteration you would have seen nobody there. Until there is a permanent fix I think it’s acceptable for teams to have to see enemy groups and assume that their numbers may be distorted, as a tradeoff to see no enemy groups and assume that their numbers are zero until you are dead.

Anyway, hopefully the rollback will show Anet that people will complain about anything. There’s no point in polling the community if the only feedback they get is negative personal interpretation.

New Culling Trial (Ended)

in WvW

Posted by: Super Best.9240

Super Best.9240


Again, if it is for you then I’d like to see it. What guild would that be exactly? Most of your posts are PvE related.

I’m in a reasonable sized guild that does pretty well and I haven’t heard many good thing said about the patch. For me it has been pretty awful when we are in a bigger group. I do agree that in longer drawn out sieges enemies are somewhat more visible.

Most of the people in this thread seem to be pretty negative as well (which tends to be the case in forums I guess).

It shouldn’t be too difficult to get one of your members to record and upload some raw footage so all of us can see what you’re talking about.

Can I ask you to do the same? We stream nightly and viewers have been noticing a marked improvement. I don’t want to drop the stream name without permission of the guy that owns it but that guy has been lurking in this topic cough and if he would like to share it it would probably be to the benefit of our cause.

New Culling Trial (Ended)

in WvW

Posted by: Super Best.9240

Super Best.9240

Have you even played WvW? We can see groups of enemies easily now.

I play 4+ hours daily with 20-40 people so mm yea. And there’s not a single person in the server teamspeak that isn’t having issues with rendering.

So you’re:
A: Trolling
B: On a low wvw pop server
C: Found some magical fix that literally hundreds on our server would give anything for.

I don’t know what game you’ve been playing for the last week. Immediately when I enter big confrontations the number of allies I see goes way down, but situations where I’d ordinarily see nobody and then immediately killed by forty people I couldn’t see, I immediately see enough of them to know what’s going on.

For example, portals were becoming a very badly balanced tactic strategically, because the only indication the enemy team would see would be the portal landing among them before they all fell to the ground. Now I see, A) the mesmer running up, B ) the mesmer after his veil has dropped, and C) enough of the enemies coming through the portal to know where it is and where not to stand. This is so much more than before and I can’t imagine why anyone is advocating a return to the previous build where this wasn’t the case. If there were situations where players were being culled, I didn’t notice because I saw the majority of the opposing team, enough to know where most of them were standing. I can always seem to see enough of my own team that it’s not an issue as well. I’ll admit I can’t see everyone on my team, but they’re not the ones trying to kill me are they most of them anyway.

As for your problems, I can’t imagine why you or your guild are still having players pop in. It’s not as though this latest build has removed clipping altogether, but it’s been an improvement. You might not be seeing all 35 members of a zerg running by, but you see players. You look, there’s players, you react, and if you’re not playing with blinders on you stay out of range until you are sure of their numbers. It’s not a perfect system but it’s better than running along and having literally negative seconds to react to the invisible zerg that has already killed you.

New Culling Trial (Ended)

in WvW

Posted by: Super Best.9240

Super Best.9240

This version is a MASSIVE improvement. I don’t know why anyone is prioritizing seeing allies over enemies. I have not once since the patch felt like dying was out of my control from not seeing the enemy. Obviously, any change that’s made could be done better in any situation but this is a step forward. Retain it, improve on it, don’t step backwards because some people don’t understand how iteration works.