Showing Posts For Super Donkey.7296:

Exploit/Bugs - What do I do?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Super Donkey.7296

Super Donkey.7296

“I’ve got to find a group and that group will require me to take part in this exploit. I don’t want to do that,”

You could always try finding a group for the other paths.

While they are harder than a magg run, if you’re skilled they’re actually faster (path 1 can be completed in 10 minutes)

Just go to LA or something and say “LF4M CoF Explorable not Magg!” you’ll probably find some people.

I did try this, but it took over an hour to get a group together and I don’t have that time to spend just looking for a group, never mind actually running the Explorable

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Super Donkey.7296

Super Donkey.7296

I reported 1 person about 5 times for botting. It was clear and obvious botting. He/She was there all day standing in the same spot auto constantly firing. Whether there was a mob to hit their or not.

Now I’ve just seen this person with Commander Status in WvW.

His name is [Edit] . Its very annoying to see that this high status item is being used by this kind of person. Please solve this, He was reported several times and still he’s walking around sporting this high-end status.

[Edited by CC: Name removed]

(edited by Moderator)

Exploit/Bugs - What do I do?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Super Donkey.7296

Super Donkey.7296

Just joined a Citadel of Flame run (random pug team). At the end of the run, where you have to use the bomb to blow up the entrance to Gaheron, we managed to squeeze past the doorway and simply blow up the giant rock freely. Then we squeezed back out, where the elementalist of our team had been busy summoning Magg’s out of the room. We then started the process for him to place the bomb. Now because he was out of the room, this was a simple challenge or waiting for him to complete, without the threat of him being killed. Bomb went off, we went through and completed the ending very fast.

Now, my problem is. Seeing as this was my first run in quite a few days, this looks like its the new “standard practice”.

Its clearly an exploit but if i want to farm these CoF Tokens then I’ve got to find a group and that group will require me to take part in this exploit. I don’t want to do that, nor do I want to get in trouble for doing so. What can I do?

Also the new tokens, don’t stack with my old tokens.

Bug: Minor rune of holding bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Super Donkey.7296

Super Donkey.7296

As far as i’m aware, ignore the item description, just listen to what the recipe says.

Eliminating Speed Running Update - Fail

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Super Donkey.7296

Super Donkey.7296

Good thinking with trying to eliminate people speed running things. I do think people should try the other paths and this new system really will promote that. However…You’ve implemented this system before you’ve fixed the other paths. So right now the only option we have to run is the same god path. If we run the other paths, we have a high chance of running into yet another bug, preventing progress. Thus making reduced rewards our only option if we wish to actually complete the dungeon.

Suggestion: Stop trying to get us to do other things, until those other things are fixed.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Super Donkey.7296

Super Donkey.7296

one thing i dislike at the moment is that the two handed weapons only get 1 upgrade slot. So its better stat-wise for me to use a sword and shield for magic finding, even though I would much prefer to be able to swap between my sword and shield to my bow, seeing as certain foes require ranged, especially during dungeon runs when you find yourself on low health, and want to step back to regen.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Super Donkey.7296

Super Donkey.7296

I finally hit level 80, went out to have a look at this amazing exotic armor that one of my guildies had been talking about.

Saw the Flame Legion armor, instantly fell in love. Had a quick scroll down to see what stat options I had (I’m a Warrior, so Heavy for me). Quickly realised that I had only 3 options, a little disappointed but I figured I’d read on, maybe they were really nice stats.

Ok, so the first set of armor is power, precision and crit dmg. Thats ok I guess, but seeing as I like using my greatsword during dungeons, without any form of survivability I’m going to spend the majority of my time sitting on the ground waiting for a revive.

Lets have a look at the second set instead then, Power, Vitality and Condition Damage. Ok that’s good, got some survivability in there, oh but wait, the only close combat weapon I can use as a warrior, which actually applies, a condition is a 1h sword. (Obviously you have a bow and your spear gun, but I became a warrior for close combat not ranged)

Ok third set, come on, third times the charm. Power, Precision and. oh. great. Condition Damage. So again no survivability but this time they added the useless stat on the armor as well.

So lets recap my options here.

  • Option 1: Use a 1h sword and shield/dual-wep combo. I find the skill set of the greatsword much more enjoyable and would prefer to play with the play-style that I like.
  • Option 2: Spend my dungeon runs being picked up off the ground or having to spend most of my time out of combat range, regenerating my health. I’m a warrior. I want to be stuck in the thick of it, not a cheerleader on the outside throwing in banners.
  • Option 3: Use a bow, like I said earlier, close combat please.
  • Option 4: My personal favourite. Buy the Flame Legion armor set, which ever stats. Then buy another Exotic armor set (2-3g per piece or crazy tokens from another instance). Buy 6 Fine Transmutation stones, combine.

So my suggestion here, would be to have all the options for the exotic dungeon armors as you get from the craftable armors (I.E. Knights, Clerics etc.).

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Super Donkey.7296

Super Donkey.7296

Please add the ability for guild to tax their members from their money directly dropped from kills.

What would be the point of this? The members are already paying you in influence. Why should they have to pay to be in your guild? Good luck holding on to members if that option ever comes up. My guild will be 0% tax instantly.

Guild Related Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Super Donkey.7296

Super Donkey.7296

Personally I think the noises are a little overboard, maybe the option for that though so people, such as yourself, who want that can choose it.

However I would like them to:

  • Add an option so that people who aren’t representing don’t show up as amongst the online people who are representing. If your in the guild and not representing, I don’t care to see if your online, that’s what the friends list is for.
  • Change the editing of the Message of the Day, so that it doesn’t erase what was previously there. You can simply add to (the way gw1 message of the day worked)