Showing Posts For Surmav.1879:

I'm afraid!

in Living World

Posted by: Surmav.1879


This is just amazing and hard to believe at beginning that anet releases new contetnt pretty much every 2 weeks. For some mmo takes more than year to release new content and that’s also just an expansion. If anet releases that much content, what if they run out ideas? That’s what I’m afraid of. Also where do they get this amount of money to accomplish something amazing like that, I mean, there’s no monthly fees and gem store doesn’t really make you wanna use use it, alltho currency exchange is kitten nice feature too so you can buy gems for in-game money. How is this possible, this is kitten amazing and so hard to believe but it seems that it’s possible.

No armour fix to Charr bc were not.....

in Charr

Posted by: Surmav.1879


Charr legs are like short and far apart, it makes the leggings armor part look like stretched and it doesn’t matter what armor type your wearing, it’s like always wearing kitten skirt or kilt… kitten and that tail, yeah i hate it’s clipping…