Showing Posts For Sweetie.5897:

currencies in hero tab

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sweetie.5897


This has been done in many, many MMos, where you obtain different “currencies” (e.g. dungeon rewards, pvp tokens etc), these should not be taking up room in your bags, they are a currency used to buy stuff so should show as currently and not items.
God knows the larger bags are gold sinks really but even then, with non-collectable crafting items, the bags fill up pretty quickly…

Please please please make the currencies non-items and just have them show in another tab

cultural armour costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sweetie.5897


There may already be a thread about this, if there is, please merge but….
why does the lvl 80 “order” armour cost 15x less that the cultural armour? 1g 88s as opposed to 30g for cultural – the cultural armour for t3 is waaaayyyy overpriced for what it is… this really needs looking at.

My opinion of female medium armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sweetie.5897


I’ve been checking out the medium armour (non pvp) sets for my thief, all of which are like trench coats or something the dog chewed. Whereas, the light armour sets look much more in keeping with what I thought a thief would look like.
What self-respecting thief would where clothes that would snag on everything and make lots of noise, let alone making movement difficult. I though mage-typers were supposed to be wearing dresses, not nice short tops that should be used by medium wearers.

Please please please do something about this, game-play is not everything when you play a game, how you look and identify with your character has a lot to do with it too and frankly, I’d be embarrassed to be seen in public with mine

Crafting: Items disappear from the discovery panel.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sweetie.5897


This is a bug, I need sour cream for a recipe at crafting level 250, I have the other 3 mats – they show in the discovery tab, the 49 sour cream I have do not…..