Plays sentinel necro for days→goes QQ on forums how necro is not viable XD
Just because you cannot make a build for necro doesn’t mean it is bad. I have been enjoying necro ALOT after patch, tankier than ever and aoe cleave is rly good still.
With the build I’ve been playing I don’t even notice heal has longer cd, nec is so tanky with blood magic etc, also dagger 2 healing for 4k on 12s cd should help alot.
The thing that necro has but d/d ele doesn’t is huge aoe cleave and CC, that can help team alot. (Unless you play sentinel build with 0 dmg)
Ofc necro will always need some support from team time to time because it lacks mobility, but that is totally fine and you should just adjust your playstyle for it.
Condi is not viable in teamfights just as it is not viable for any class, power builds will still be meta because there is so much condi cleanse in the game atm.
Plague pretty much cancels warriors rampage and if you don’t play condibuild you don’t even notice that self bleed.