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Alashya on Mesmer Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Syndarin Eledhwen.6513

Syndarin Eledhwen.6513

listen anet..

Shatter mesmer is my main since release. I have played over 2500 hours with my mesmer and i play atm and for a long time ago in the top tier pvp (top 20 eu).

I can’t..i really can’t unterstand why anet nerf the vigor trait instead to move the trait to master or like a 15er trait. I have to confirm also, i don’t like the rnd dodge spam in the game. But as a shatter mesmer you have to dodge for the illusion…it’s your offensive and defensive at the same time. Furthermore you have to dodge so much spam stuffs, that you can’t see cause of the lack animations (necro marks, instant spells,….). As a shatter mesmer you have a really hard time versus a lot of the other classes, especially fights on a node versus soldier warriors. Mostly when you make a failure, you are dead. Other classes can make like 100 failures versus me…and still live.

Therefore it has like 3 mesmers in eu top 100 where play only mesmer (helseth, misha, me -> sry when i forgot someone). Mesmer is beside ele (ofc) the at least played class in competitive pvp. And in my opinion, shatter mesmer is the only spec you can play with some disadvantage with a good team. Cause you has support with portal, boon remove and that stuff.

The promised change for the mesmer hurt the shatter spec a lot..quote from Teutos:

-Currently against some professions you are going to dodge backwards to create a clone between you and your opponent, so that the clone can soak the damage. Not that you can do the whole dodging back, against certain profession you have to use this, otherwise you’ll just die. Now that will no longer be possible.

-Another example is the terrain unevenness. F.e. I get attacked outside of the clocktower, dodge, then go into the clocktower, and now can not use one of my clones, because he is outside (or stuck on a different position). Now even if I dodge multiple times inside the clocktower, my first shatter will only contain a very very low number of useful clones. It could be possible, that the whole shatter is wastes, because the clones are stuck somewhere.

-Imagine your three clones are standing at a certain range, but you want to create a clone next to you, to get a good daze off. This will also no longer be possible.

So i can understand you want nerf the clone death spam..but pls do this not in that way. Let us the last “viable” (not so viable like every other profession except ele) spec. Rather nerf the clone death trait directly! Furthermore i can anticipate that you nerf sigil of energy cause of the sigil don’t want hambow warriors with sigil of energy and battle or necros with energy and it would be another BIG nerf for shatter mesmer. The warriors don’t need sigil of energy..but i can promise shatter mesmer require.

Finally pls reconsider about the mesmer changes or instead of ~3 mesmers in top eu you will see no one and you have another ele. Thx for reading and sry for the bad english.