Showing Posts For Syrae.4310:

OP Warriors will baffed again..

in PvP

Posted by: Syrae.4310


You mean warrior shouts? lol yeah warrior shouts are so op.
Some people are just like bots, the patch notes might say “buffed warrior shouts” that people will only read “buffed warrior ****” and go like “WAT YOU BAFFED OP WARRIO WHAT YOU SMOKE ARENA”

Whether you like it or not a buff, is still a buff. This buffs can potentially add more to the warrior repertoire, the ele only dreams of that having more than a couple of below average builds.

it like a rich guy getting more add from the government while a poor guy gets barely any.

No one uses shouts. Just compare warrior’s shouts to guardian’s. Just because a class has a complete broken spec does it mean other options can’t be reworked? Not to mention an hypothetical shout build needs it’s own set of traits.

I saw some really strong Shout-Warriors in SoloQ in the last days, with runes of the soldier and heal on shouts, with healing signet but im not sure which amulett they were running, propably valkyrie. They got more heal than a guard.

Warrior need a nerf or you´ll see a new “wow, so good, running 3 warriors guard and ranger meta -”

You can beat them in 1v1, you can beat them in Teamfights when there´s only one, but let there be 2 or more of them with Hammer/LB and you´ll see..

At least not so annoying as the double terror nec teams..

[Eu] Sya is looking for a Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Syrae.4310


Hey Guys,

unfortunately my old Team breaked up, caused of the condi meta, so that i have to find a new one.

I´m at R42 right now, made about 1,2K Tpvp Games mostly with my Ranger, got my Paragon, Illusionist, Hunter Title .

My old team havent played for a month and i miss the feeling to play with a structured team.
SoloQ everyday is not all.

You can message me Ig -> Syarange, or here in the forum.


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


Blacktide, our Nightcrew isnt as big as you think.
We´re less then the first Time we reached T1.
There a no Queues on all Borderlands till 20,21:00 and even then only 5 Minutes except Eternal Battlegrounds.

Centrix, Timezones.
These make a huge different.

@Miporin, are you kidding me? Last time we played against in T2, Elona,Riverside,Blacktide you were as much as our two Servers together because of Xaoc, RG and others.

So pls dont complain about lag zergs..

@AshDown – PRX is a Guild from NA, Sea of Sorrows

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


many people forget that this is only a game.

It´s more than this! Its war!

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


Red Guard, play against us when we have holidays and the same amount of players.


The last time i looked at matchups we were 0,4 Points in Front of you, now we are 20K and more.
And dont worry our Visit in t1 will be at least max 2 weeks, then we´ll give our Place to Arbor or deso, maybe it could be blacktide. We´ll see.

And its not a secret that we dont like pushed servers like BT,SFR and others.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


Please Guys, kick Blacktide out of T1 and let them go through the T´s till every Server-switching Guild is gone from BT. Just as they did it with FS.

Looking forward to play against Viz next Week !
I still have great Memories from the Fights against you, in the time we visited T1.

Even if its gonna be a short visit, we´ll give our best – especially against PRX and other NA Guys..

Greetings from Elona, happy Xmas Viz!

Elona Reachvs Desolation vs Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


And we cant unite all german servers . Its nearly hate between the Servers, especially Kodash, Riverside, Elona, the top german servers.

Yeah, yeah, OK, I get it. German and French servers have old rivalries and can’t unite.

But you are wrong to think that on EU servers it’s all roses. Have you ever tried to be on a teamspeak where everyone has his own idea of “English” from Scottish English to Italian English to Russian English? Being all German or all French has some significant advantages too, but you don’t see us constatly kittening about them. Deso has been a top server from the very beginning, the core guilds never left only got stronger, and we play honorably, which sadly cannot be said for Arborstone.

I think it must be funny – just like the austrian or swiss german , dont forget about “bayrish, sächsisch,schwäbisch”

Deso, Arbor, get up ! We want fights! And we dont want to play against Viz and Sfr.

Elona Reachvs Desolation vs Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


But do you gain more than a second RUINous disaster with recruiting?
Do you think server-hopper join a loosing team, or stay if you continue loosing with them?
Your server, not mine, so you have to answer these questions for yourself and not to me in the forum.

Recruiting pushed you in a region your server back on its own is loosing.
You could learn from that experience and train and motivate your PvE
people instead. Or you can accept to find your place in the ladder and have
balanced fights there. Or if you think winning is everything you can turn into NA-hoppers yourself.

What the hell are you talking about?

Server transfering is a normal thing,most of the guilds on all different servers have done it! You don’t have a problem with server transfering,you have a problem with Desolation….

i’m freaking tired of people like you…recruiting is normal,you do it because you want to help your server get better.

Motivate PvE players? You can’t motivate them…they don’t like WvW,they won’t play it…that’s why they are called PvE players….

You can motivate PvE Players, the most are afraid cause they dont know what to do and how to act in specific situations!

What do you think are we doing all the time?

And we cant unite all german servers . Its nearly hate between the Servers, especially Kodash, Riverside, Elona, the top german servers.

And even if we unite them, dont forget about the Timezone..

Morning – 20-30
Primetime 2000
Evening/Night 20-30 .

This is how it would look when the Servers unite..
Our Hope is that offtime-players from other, smaller german Servers switch to us to push our Night/Morning-Crew.

Elona Reachvs Desolation vs Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


Dont forget to have fun this Week – like our Raidleads today/yesterday..

Lead, Guitar , Sing and Singing answers at the same time ^^

Btw , nice fight at Garrison for 10mins, Iron ^^

Elona Reachvs Desolation vs Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


So, we lost so hard against BB? There was only a difference from 4K at thursday, then elona broke in..
two boring weeks in T3, now back to T2 and were leading. great!

ofc its because we have holidays, like everyone in the world i think.

The Fights against AB and Deso are great, its not easy to play against your servers..
I hope we stay together in T2 and arbor gets awake from their xmas sleep.

Wrex, dont forget that you´re an international server, with players all around the world, different time zones etc..

We only have our german speaking countries and those are not all on Elona. Look at the matchups there are 7! german servers..

You´re asking yourselves why so much people hate Deso, SFR, BT?
Its because of the Guilds who are transfered to your servers.

We shouldnt hate the servers, we should hate the guilds. I think every Server got a lot of Guilds who are there since the game has started, especially the language servers. But then some NA/RU Guilds came, pushed you in T1 and let you fall like a piece of crap and transfered to another server..

And against all the guys who said we were recruiting.. no we weren´t. We got two little Guilds from Kodash and Riverside, but they came cause they wanted to.

At least, i hope we have another good figths the Week its really fun, dont give up, i´ll see you on ER-BL

Have fun and happy xmas