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Loud popping still not fixed.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tabe.1976


After playing in all of the betas since prepurchase opened up, I’m incredibly surprised this bug hasn’t been addressed anywhere. After taking a break from release, I returned to play a bit more lately and still have this incredibly loud popping noise come from the client. I can almost guarantee it has nothing to do with related events ingame, because it even occurs when the client is alttabbed (not in focus) with the sound option for alt tab OFF.

The loud popping occurs from the client whether or not the client is in focus and whether or not the sound is on or off.

I have no idea what could be causing this issue, but it has been happening since before release and it is still occurring now. I just wish someone would address it somewhere, as I have done some searching and haven’t found anything about it since. It seems people have just started dealing with it.

Example shown on youtube:

This is one of the quietest examples I’ve heard of the bug, but it’s there none the less.

No credit for Big Boss Event?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tabe.1976


The reason you aren’t getting full participation, despite having “high” dps or being there the entire time is because it isn’t just based on how much damage you do, it’s based on what % of damage you did. When there are 30+ people doing an event, achieving enough % on mobs or a big dragon becomes INCREDIBLY difficult for most classes. This makes the large zerg events that most people use to farm in Orr impossible for me as a thief to do. This has pretty much prevented me from playing in these areas, as well as staying away from all the world boss battles. One of the big problems is everyone shouting it into map chat so the entire map comes running to fight it. Yes everyone wants a chance to fight, but as more people come the event gets ruined.

This really needs to get fixed. Right now only certain classes can farm areas like Orr, creating quite the significant market divergence. There’s no way for a lot of people to participate, giving more people no reason to go to maps or events like these.

TL;DR: Participation is based on damage percentage alone. If you don’t meet the required percentage, good luck next time.

Input stops responding

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tabe.1976


This happens intermittently and I’m not sure what could be the trigger for it, but it IS NOT due to my keyboard reaching the max keypress cap. Every so often all inputs except for wasd will stop responding. I will not be able to use any of my skills, interact with an npc, autorun, or do any other hotkey related task except walk around with wasd. The mouse still works for camera movements, but I cannot target anything by clicking on it (or using my target keybinds).

This is solved by reassigning ANY key I have bound. Reassigning one key will reset all other keys and allow me to use them again. No clue what’s causing it but it can really mess up gameplay, especially in dungeons, pvp, or higher level areas.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tabe.1976


Name: Tabe
Story Change: Level 26, Selected Order of Whispers, received Vigil
Story Skip: Level 28, Flower of Death → Level 48, Forewarned is Forearmed

Faction Choice Invalidated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tabe.1976


I was going through the personal story with a friend, both sylvari, both choosing the same paths and accepting the hosts decisions. When we got to the section where you chose between Vigil, Priory, and the Order of Whispers, my friend ended up hosting the instance and he chose Order. I accepted this as I have been looking forward to being in the Order since it was announced as a thing way back when.

As we come up on the next story mission, it doesn’t pull up the prompt for me to join my friends instance. I found it odd since it worked up to that point as long as we had the same story, so I brushed it off an entered the instance on my own. To my surprise, I somehow ended up in the Vigil storyline instead of the Order, whereas my friend was in the Order storyline.

I have no idea how this ended up coming about. I assume that there was some communication error with the party system (this was prelaunch headstart) and it selected the Vigil by some default switch or something. I REALLY hope there is some way to change my characters storyline without having to reroll or rollback. I stopped doing the story entirely at that point and continued to level my character without it, and at the moment am fringing on level 70. After planning out all of my characters (main being order, alts being vigil and priory) with their specific intentions, it would be really disappointing to have to carry it out this way.

I put in a bug report and support ticket but haven’t heard back from either of these. Hopefully I can receive a response here. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.