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Fellow support players, what class did you choose?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taintertots.2798



If you have 30 in tactics you only need to change 2 traits and equipment to switch between a healing shout build which buff and heals for maybe the best AoE heal of the game and is really fast… And not to mention the short but effective buff, debuff and CC that Shouts give

But the other choise is my favorite Banner support, which gives a REALLY BIG stat buff that is really helpfull in battles and with tactics banner you increase the healing even more… And it gives regen which is nice, not something to be fascinated but is a plus. And banners give you the freedom to move and focus on the battle contrary to the belief that banners in fact, slow things down, which is fake, all the oposite, shouts condemn you to be looking at CD and worring more on the buff/debuff timing than moving in the battlefield… With banners you just spread them well to have most your mates on their ranges and you are free to move till their long CD goes off, but is not that long, so you can focus on the battle and then you will just rebuff after some action. Works wonders in WvW sieges and Dungeons, not so good at random zerg vs zerg. Really not good for PvP xD

Any particular build for this?

If you are asking about the shout build, this is kinda of what I am currently running. If you are talking about a banner build, I am not 100% sure.;TYAqsMZJyymlLLZWA

Fellow support players, what class did you choose?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taintertots.2798


Big thanks to everybody in this thread. Seems like most people are mentioning a Ele, so I will give it a go.

Till then I will continue to gear out my shout warrior and might give the banner build a try. Main issue I have on the shout build the range on the shouts. They don’t seem to have much of a range on them.

Fellow support players, what class did you choose?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taintertots.2798


Go Ele, play with Staff. Yes Water has good healing as does our Water trait line. But just know that as an Ele you will be playing with all 4 attunements. You can’t simply sit in water all day, but we can produce a heck of a lot of healing when played right. Besides three group healing skills in Water attune for Staff, we can produce AoE burst heals on top of that by using a Blast finisher in one of the two Water combo fields we have, we also have a perma group regen buff when we’re in water with a few points in Water trait line. We have lots of both personal and group condition removal when specced into Water trait line.

Staff Ele can also provide a lot of CC. It can also provide Water, Ice, Fire, and Lightning combo fields (and we can provide both Blast and Projectile finishers as well). Those combos can produce a number of great effects buffing the group, debuffing enemies, and adding extra damage, on top of whatever effect the skill already provides. We can also trait into providing a number of boons.

So a very capable all around support. Just a bit more complicated than most classes, but also more fun and versatile, so head on over to the Ele forums and we’ll help you out.

Thanks for the suggestions, I will def. have to take another look at the ele.

Fellow support players, what class did you choose?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taintertots.2798


If you play WvWvW primarily and want to feel like you are healing then go with ele using staff on water attunement.

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried something similar to this in the beta weekends and the healing output seemed very week. However, I was only got up to my mid 20s and probably didn’t have the traits needed to make it more powerful.

Might have to look into the ele if the necro doesn’t pan out.

Fellow support players, what class did you choose?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taintertots.2798


Hey Ostracize,

Thanks for the response. Necro is what I am currently leveling and have been looking forward to some WvW once he gets his traits and unities setup the correct way.

Fellow support players, what class did you choose?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taintertots.2798


Hey all,

Sorry if something similar has been talked about before (I am sure it has), but after doing a couple searches via the forum search bar, I was unable to find anything.

Simply, my question is for all the people that have always played support / healer classes in past MMOs. What class did you find that best filled that role for you in GW2?

I have played Healing classes since DAoC, up through WoW, WAR, Etc. That has been pretty much all I have ever played and enjoyed the most. In GW2, as we all know, there is no dedicated healing class and because of that I can’t seem to find a class that I just really enjoy.

So far I have leveled an 80 Ranger to go with a Spirit pet build, then leveled an 80 Mesmer, last was an 80 healing shout warrior, and now I am in the process of leveling a Necro..

I love this game, but the lack of healers really makes it hard for me personally to find a class I really enjoy and want to stick with. For any people in the same boat as me, what class did you role that seemed to fill that gap?

Just to clarify in case anybody was curious. I primarily play WvW, with a bit of PvE dungeon runs for gear / skins.


(edited by Taintertots.2798)

[ULTD] Unlimited - Competitive WvW, Seasoned Backgrounds

in Guilds

Posted by: Taintertots.2798


Been a part of Unlimited for over 7 months now, and I have enjoyed every second of it. All the members of unlimited are foremost, amazing people, but also exceptionable players. We know when to have a good time, and when to get serious and dominate in WvW.

Iv’e been playing MMOs since DAoC, and this has been one of the best guilds I have had the privilege to be a part of. However, don’t take my word for it. Hope on our website, chat with us on the forums and team speak, and get to know us. I promise, you will not regret it!