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AR dungeon my opinion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talmaru.7865


me·chan·ic [muh-kan-ik]
3. Slang. a person skilled in the dishonest handling of cards, dice, or other objects used in games of chance.

No I think I got it just right. If you have to blatantly cheat to make the game hard your doing it wrong.

It is not my job to tell them how to do it right.
I am not on their payroll
It is my job to provide my honest opinion of their content so that they can take it into consideration.

Is it your job to randomly bash people on the internet because they do not share your opinion?
Do you get paid to do it or just take solstice in the thought that you insulted some random faceless person for expressing themselves <slow clap>
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AR dungeon my opinion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talmaru.7865


Invulnerable mobs firing at you with cannons is not a “mechanic”

I’m all good with kiting a boss but nope don’t pass that invisible line or she will 1 shot you with a teleportation attack great “mechanic”

Magic lasers that phase through solid objects not a “mechanic”

The boss that can jump 50 foot tall walls to avoid her own cannon barrage not a “mechanic”

All in all this dungeon is nothing more then a cheep trick at best.

AR dungeon my opinion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talmaru.7865


I’ve beaten it and it’s crap
All the fights are gimmicky

3 grenadiers on an itty bitty platform surrounded by bridges spammed by lightning.
Their AOE circle literally covers the platform they are standing on

Invulnerable people manning the cannons when you breach the gate. < yes of course I’m gonna shoot the dude manning the cannon first oh wait he is a god never mind>

AB strikers who can channel lightning spells that are not dodge-able or affected by anti-projectile shields.

Golems who pull you into instagib laser walls and if the wall doesn’t kill you the stacks of confusion make sure to finish you off.

Crates that you can jump on to avoid the laser walls but not hide behind.

A boss who has 100% damage resistance until her own team mate shoots her?

A boss who can shadow step every 5 seconds or so and then deliver at least 10k burst dmg

Enough AOE at the last boss fight?

^ These things are where you failed in my opinion Mr./Mrs. developers

Fix the Dungeon AI please

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talmaru.7865


Mobs that you run past and forget about you in 50 feet is not fun
I am aware that on the world map this is done to prevent griefing by train but in a dungeon this is not needed.

Doing this will remove the “meta” element of dungeon running preventing teams from simply running past the fights.

From what I have seen of the community of this game while dungeon running it seems nobody wants to actually run the dungeon they just want to fight the boss @ the end and collect the reward.
Whether this is a fault in game design or simply community laziness I do not know but it irritates me every time the group just wants to run past all the encounters <usually to the point where I just leave the party>

If I were to invade an enemy fortress I would NEVER leave a live enemy behind me it is quite simply dumb thing to do.

If I were to have an enemy invade my fortress I would personally flay alive any guard who ran back to his post after pursuing the invader for 50 feet then developing amnesia.

These things break the suspension of disbelief and completely ruin the game, changing it from an action adventure game to a cheep gold farm in one fell swoop

PS: Don’t bother with snide reply’s simply because I probably will not look at this post ever again. But hopefully one of the developers will see the point I am trying to make and take it into consideration.