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Why we are being viewed as "OP."

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tanelorn.2087


I’ve read alot of that we now have a burn makes us op… it makes us OP in 1v1 if you look at the extra damadge. But burn how I remember burn work is that it gets replaced by the next person who burns the target. Guardians having a high damadge burn should be the ones burning. If I remove his damadge there we may lose a fight. I dont use that trait since I go for the extra damadge below 50% since I feel it’s more fitting. I’ve been doing WvW and yeah I tried wellomancer, minion master, conditioner and I found conditioner most fun and it had nice damadge. Now we have torment but it’s not that great really, sure it adds conditions but then you say you can’t remove the conditions fast enough. There is a sigil which you can use to have a 60% chance to remove a condition on critical hits 10sec cooldown but this added you can get rid of the extra protecting condition, also if you stand still you dont get the extra effect from torment which will give you more damadge than standing still and take the small beating since the necro cant do anything else while using torment. I think the extra skill now and the more people playing necros makes it op. If I run around WvW and 4 warriors comes running I try and kite them while I slowly take them down but yeah you wont be able to do that so you die. If now I’m running with 4 friends and meet one person who just BAM we are all dead either we failed miserably or got wrong builds. People always tend to go for a most powerful build they can. Why not make your own build that you like to use and think is fun and not the one everyone is running around with. I started my necro as a minion master since I thought it was fun but I noticed I didn’t really like it and I tried wellomancer and then both wells and minions making combinations I noticed high enough damadge allowed me to kill lots of oponents if they were in meele range. So yeah we arent that OP just more people playing and we get the spot light since if there comes 4 people spamming conditions and then spread them from one person to the rest. Note before the stack ends you use epidemic again you can keep 25stacks of vuln and bleed up on every foe around you if you just team up and keep in mind of what you do having special orders. Teamwork is what’s best in WvW and in PvE I like the extra little AoE torment gives but it ruins my macro of my skills so I need to rework it. If you encounter something that you cant beat when you first face it, rethink your strategy and try again find a solution on how to beat it.

Weapon Skills: A choice of weapon skills.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tanelorn.2087


Nice idea!

There is one thing I don’t agree on though, I actually would like a quest to get the skill, a bit like personal story or something like the drinking game.
Have people actually earn the skill instead of “oh hea, look I spend 2 minutes killing centaurs, and I found out a new way to shoot my bow in the meantime.”
I would think it better/more realistic if you actually learn the skills in a more peaceful environment before you put them to the test.

Altough I do agree with you there that killing centaurs for 2 minutes wouldnt give the skill. But neither a drinking game or not a skill either since that’s like a one time thing. I think if you would implement this it would have to matter on how many times you use skill 1 etc.

Example. for every time I make a sucessfull hit with my 1skill it will add “experience” in that skills tree.

Meaning: You will have to make lets just say now but 3000 sucessfull hits before you actually unlock the new 1skill to be able to switch between or just unlock another animation for it with an extra damadge boost. The animation still being the same amount of frames as the first to allow a feature to switch between the types of animations you want to do. This will make players get an illusion of that their character learns a new skill or improves it’s skill by training in actual combat. This is also a realistic way of learning improvenments of ones skill. If I practive swordplay I need a sparring partner and what better if it’s in combat since I will act by instict during combat as I will improve my skill.

Xolotl bugg with Necromancer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tanelorn.2087


If you face Xolotl as a Necromancer and go into Death Shroud when he’s gonna turn you into an animal you will just go out of death shroud and be able to attack normaly and not as an animal.

I noticed this on my first fight with Xolotl I just entered death shroud and I poof into animal then poof right back to normal I thought that was strange and next time I turn into an animal like okay then I go death shroud to see if that was the caus why I didn’t stayed in animal and look at that every time I get turned to animal adn directly after back to normal so yeah a bug that might need a fix else Necros take that down way to easy.