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11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Tanissa.9387


kill shot OP!

inb4 L2DodgeNoob

Like omg L2typeproper english like seriously omg, ttylbblcul8ter.

Need help from other players!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanissa.9387


I can see how the DE is built very casual. However in WvW I am sure their is a nice bit amount of formal grouping going on right? I hear its very difficult to zerg bust in this game but it still does not change the concept of small scale pvp with those conventional 5 man groups running around. If dungeons are kinda cool and WvW is got the pvp that I like. Which sounds like a hit or miss at the moment, I might have the motivation to continue. I think that is what most mmo gamers dread the most when they play new MMO’s, “is the grind worth it”. That is why I am on the forum because I dont know if the grind is worth it for my taste but I do see how it could be worth it, I Just dont know.

Need help from other players!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanissa.9387


Yea maybe I just get tired of soloing all the time. Im in a big world where people just run by me constantly going to DE. No one really needs each other it seems at my level everyone out for themselves. Kinda boring sometimes ya know.

Well if that’s your problem with GW2, then you might just be playing the wrong MMO for your personal tastes. One of the key design points for GW2 is that the DE system lets players interact with each other to take down a shared goal while still letting them run around as a soloing player. If you’re the type of player who prefer more formal grouping, then you’re not going to find a lot of it in this game

People do make formal groups for dungeon runs. Just keep in mind that many of these dungeon grinders are geared out 80th characters who are just token grinding towards being eventually able to acquire a weapon with fancy graphics (and +Stats equal to their current weapons). These people can sometimes be very impatient as they’re speed grinding, so make sure you find yourself a dungeon group who is New Player / Lowbie friendly.

Also in the pseudo-End Game scene, people do have to really work together to deal with the waves of aggravating undead in the Orr zones. The higher you get in the game, the more you encounter DEs that really do have failures. In the Orr zones, there tends to be more non-grouped teamwork for mutual survival. (Or people might group together for the increased loot drop rates, then still run around soloing in the zone.)

Yet one of the key draws for GW2 is its very casual atmosphere. If you’re looking for more of a group focused game that’s oriented towards grinding, then GW2 might not be the best choice for you.


People crashing the game to avoid dying

in WvW

Posted by: Tanissa.9387


Dayz all over again.

Need help from other players!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanissa.9387


Leveling up in WvW in this game is pretty insanely fast if you know what to do. Get a small group together and just run a circuit around the maps capping supply camps and the mob camps, each one takes just minutes to complete and you run to the next one, just a minute away, and each one is equivalent to completing a dynamic event, or basically, 1/5 of your exp bar.

Double up on your food buffs, food items are insanely cheap in the TP. Look for food with the icon of an apple, and another consumable with the icon of a wrench, these are stackable for 20% exp buff. Combine that with any other exp booster if you’re really feeling it.

On top of that, I generally wait until around lvl 35-40, but if you have been on the ball about harvesting everything you see you should be sitting on a good chunk of mats. You can craft some ridiculous exp, it’s even faster than WvW. Like lvl 40 to 52 or something in an hour. You just have to focus on the discovery part of crafting. If you don’t have the money or mats you need. You can take all the mats you do have, Liquidate them on the TP, and use the chunk of money to buy the mats you need specifically. There are some good crafting guides out there to help with this. Just run a search in google or something.

Jade Quarry. Alot of guilds from Warhammer Online and DAOC came over to this server. Lot of people trying to stick with their same communities they have been playing with for years.

Need help from other players!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanissa.9387


Where are you right now in the game, and what are you doing? Levels 15-30, from what I hear, is the hardest part of the game to get through- there’s a gap in experience and you’re still trying to fill out your class. It gets better after that.

Take your time and explore rather than being too concerned with leveling up. It awards experience and can lead you to hidden dynamic events. After finishing a DE, stick around and listen in on what the NPCs say- it might start another event. Also, harvest everything you see- that also gives a good amount of experience.

What class do you play? It may also be that the class you’re playing doesn’t suit you- I remember feeling meh on my ranger and guardian after a few days. A lot of the fun in PvE, for me, comes from constantly being challenged by my class and doing stupid things like oh hey a champion wonder if I can solo it? There are times when I log on solely so I can find something to beat up.

Finally, socialize. Make some friends, group up, and, most importantly, find a great guild to run with. They make even the dullest times that much better.

Lvl 21 Warrior, I have got 3 classes in the 20s just trying them out but the class that I really enjoy is the Warrior and that is what I am sticking with until end game. Yea maybe I just get tired of soloing all the time. Im in a big world where people just run by me constantly going to DE. No one really needs each other it seems at my level everyone out for themselves. Kinda boring sometimes ya know. Im going to shoot for 30 today and maybe try and run that level 30 dungeon they have. I only read about on wiki. So that is kind of intresting for me I guess. Never ran a a dungeon in GW and I hear its different. On a side note, at level 30 I hear is when I will be introduced to my first set of exotic armor from the dungeons. Is that true?

Need help from other players!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanissa.9387


PVE. I come from DAOC and the WAR I never really grinded in those games I just went out and pvped all the way to the top. But Xp is very slow in pvp in this game if you try and level from bottom to top. I enjoy GW2. I think it has some very unique things about it and WvWvW is very intresting. The armor skins in this game are amazing. I am just hung up on PVE. I feel like I am grinding in a way. Help me!! I do not wanna quit yet lol.

Need help from other players!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanissa.9387


I need motivation. I need someone or some people to motivate to get through the pve. I have found myself becoming bored very quickly. What can I do to stay focused so I dont view this like a chore.