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Most mechanically intensive profession?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tarzan.1684


I like the engie design. I disagree with others on it because they don’t need as much precise timing and skill rotation, it’s more like they have an answer to everything on their skill bar in this current meta. They might need to make sure a few skills need to be executed properly but nowhere as near as Theif/Ele and if you make a mistake it’s not as punishable compared to other classes rotations.

Are you tired of struggling with your Engineer and their myriad abilities?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tarzan.1684


Hey Tarzan, I have to agree with a lot of what you said. At the end of my post I mentioned how I PvE 90 percent of the time, and I really enjoy the DPS that pistol/pistol brings to a group as well as the nice uptime on the group buff elixir b.

Eventually after a month or so I think I’ll try to focus on more PvP but right now I want to complete all dungeon paths first. When I switch to PvP i have to say that Pistol/Shield looks really enticing with 30 in inventions, 30 in alchemy, and 10 in tools for speedy gadgets maybe.

Right on, PVE is great for engineer a bit of everything so never a dull moment. However, when it comes to PVP this is where the class shines in its fun factor and play. I use 10 20 10 30.

Are you tired of struggling with your Engineer and their myriad abilities?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tarzan.1684


Ignore all the felluhs that say use strictly pistol/pistol or rifle only. I use pistol/shield wreck ape shiz in tournaments. These scrubs have no idea how to utilize the skills of a engineer. Most of them, are thinking DPS first and DPS last, not the way to go. That being said, I believe Engineer has the most versatility in their builds. You can literally make your skill set and still be very efficient long as you know how to play the class. Lastly, the reason I personally use Pistol/Shield is cause shield adds more survivability for me against rangers and thief’s. It’s second ability on the reflect move is a knock back. Perfect for messing up thief’s initiating combos or HB warriors etc. Then, what’s great about it as well since it’s a knockback. This skill interrupts heals and stomps. Where if your using pistol offhand your only thinking about the dps your pumping about no help whatsoever to allies in need of help desperately. Now, the second skill of the shield, my personal fave. It’s blocks your closet targets gets stunned for 2 seconds. Another great way to deal with pesky classes that catch you off guard. Then, once again there’s a second skill on it as well. You daze your opponent, if you can position it right, you’re able to get them back to back. Amazing for stopping heals and interrupts as well. These two skills are BIG CHANGERS IN FIGHTS 1v1. I mean HUGE.

Why does this exist again...?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tarzan.1684


For PVE sure, but PVP is an entirely different game.

Cloaking Device is horrible. You cannot move, so people who know what just happened will figure out where to aim that 100 Blades/Jump Shot/Dragon’s Tooth. To me, it’s like putting on a blindfold to smack a Pinata that can’t move. You said you can pop Elixir S and just be immune to damage. If you were without this trait, couldn’t you just do the same exact thing?

I know what Cloaking Device looks like. If I’m fighting against another Engineer and I pop my Net Shot and he vanishes. I just Jump Shot/Blunderbuss right where I was already aiming. Sure, like you said you could POSSIBLY chain invisible, or you can do the exact opposite and turn into a giant target.

Wrong. I use cloaking device with Rocket Boots. Mind f’s my enemies everytime. I had a warrior circling around the area for 5 secs before he realized I long out of that area. I /wave him. Secondly, Rocket Boots is amazing in everywhere its good for cc, chasing or escaping, depending on how exactly the person utilizes it. Plus, the tool skill it offers is amazing for pistols engineers, which I happen to use as well and have a significant amount of wins under my belt in tournament.

(edited by Tarzan.1684)

Stealth-Do we have a counter?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tarzan.1684


You stealth back, the key to ever winning against a thief is so predict their initiating attacks and interrupt them. Luckily, engineers have plenty of ways to do this. Big Ol Bomb, shield knockback, shield daze / stun are usually the best ones to throw off their setups.