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Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Taurid.1753


Am worried that in desert bl and ebg you’ll be able to glide into fortifications…

Take for example the cliff facing red keep in EBG, wouldn’t grps be able to glide pass first wall? and from SMC to Klovan maybe…long shot….

Am worried you didn’t even bother reading the post to know how gliding will work.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Taurid.1753


Been waiting for this forever. Can’t wait to glide from top SM around the map.

I hope that old “Mesmer suicide jump insta-kill with landing field” bug doesn’t happen to just reappear for a day. That would be a tooootal shame to see again. Just once.

A few questions towards expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taurid.1753


Mounts are tied to the mastery system. In a way, yes, you have to do x number of events to unlock it, as well as gain the necessary amount of mastery points.

Path of fire anouncment - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taurid.1753


That’s just nonsense. With an expansion you should bring new matching activities which goes with the expansion. Same with Raid and Dungeons

PVE is the focus of the game. PVP is an after-thought, and WvW is just laughably forgotten. Dungeons have been dead in the water since Fractals launched, just months after the game itself launched. We’ve gotten three(?) raids so far, and I don’t doubt we’ll see more sometime during Living World Season 4.

Path of fire anouncment - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taurid.1753


Disappointed the additional character slot is locked behind the Deluxe version. Happy, however, that the base version is only $30.

The new elite specs could be interesting, mostly just the Weaver. Not too interested in the Guardian one, since it doesn’t fit my play style of the class from what was revealed. The rest are meh.

Not too happy to see the mounts all locked behind different mastery trees, but I do like the mobility they should be providing to the new maps, and all the previous Core and HoT maps.

Path of fire anouncment - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taurid.1753


Just look at WoW

This isn’t WoW; there is no point comparing the two when everything is done differently. There’s already a ton of fractals to do and adding more does not take away the overall dullness of them.

Path of fire anouncment - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taurid.1753


You should have taken the hint with HoT that dungeons are not coming back.
WvW and PVP are getting their own updates separate from PVE content.
Fractals are already being added every few months, I don’t see why they would stop doing that with PoF. No mention of it doesn’t mean they’ll stop.

Official Episode 6 Feedback Thread: One Path Ends

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taurid.1753


Siren’s Landing: Feels like an Orr map through and through, and that is not a good thing. Orr is the worst place to be in the game, outside of Tangled Depths, and this map is just as boring as the other 3. Lots of wasted space, the map feels ‘dead,’ still, even after the area was supposed to be “purified” a few in-game years ago.
-The mastery skill this time around feels very pointless, since it can only be used while standing still, usually mid-battle, for it to do anything. Making it cost 7 points instead of 5 feels like slight robbery for nothing in return.

Story: Just brushed the whole issue with Braham to the side, giving it at most a couple lines of dialogue for something that was supposed to be a huge character impact for him and his people.
-All the hype given to the Exemplar, based off of everyone having to know her from GW1, apparently, which falls flat for anyone that didn’t play it.
-Barely any continuation on Balthazar’s part of the story, since he wasn’t even anywhere near Orr for the entire episode. Still no hint as to who was messing with him to force him to try and absorb Jormag and Primordus, which would have been useful to help set up hype for the expansion.

Achievements: 36 out of 41 or so to complete the main objective? Really? At least it wasn’t as miserable as Bitterfrost where you had to do everything; here you get to at least skip a few that are annoying or you can’t manage to do. Timed battle achievements are very annoying, especially if you do the content solo and don’t have the damage output or survive-ability to manage it within the time limit.

Expansion: I was disappointed not to see a 1:1 announcement like Heart of Thorns got, but announcing the announcement for the expansion reveal is still good enough.

The GW2 Next Expansion Wishlist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taurid.1753


1) Since a new set of maps outside of the Maguuma Jungle and Central Tyria area is basically confirmed, I want to see Mastery Points in these new maps, for the new region-specific Mastery tracks, not be tied to annoying mini-games. Mastery point insights are expected, since they are in the LS3 maps, but we won’t get the use of Strongboxes this time. Tying them to simple events like on Dragon’s Stand would be the best way to give out enough to unlock all the Mastery tracks for the new region.

2) Maybe throw in some more Central Tyria mastery tracks, and add new red mastery points that aren’t stuck to Fractals or long-term skin unlocks.

3) As someone already said, more solo-able content is always great.

4) I’d like to see new weapons introduced but that doesn’t seem likely at this point since it hasn’t happened already as a test-run.

5) Forgoing a new class to make it more worthwhile having 9 characters to complete all the various “do x with all classes” achievements.

Why did you stop WvWing?

in WvW

Posted by: Taurid.1753


I got bored of running through the same two maps every time I played. EoTM wasn’t worth playing in since it’s creation, more so when it became a karma train. Now the only time I go into WvW, its to my Borderland map to use the crafting stations.