Showing Highly Rated Posts By Taverius.8645:

Ranger Bugs (Updated)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Taverius.8645




  • Healing Spring does not heal allies/pets.
  • Healing Spring can be placed up to 4 times.
  • Healing Spring does not activate when used at full health and losing health while inside the trigger area. Player must exit then re-enter the trap area to activate.
  • Spirit of Nature – passive heal does not scale with Healing Power.
  • Solar Flare (Sun Spirit) activation time is faster than other Spirit actives.
  • Strength of the Pack! buff on the Pet uses Lightning Reflexes icon.
  • Sic ’Em! – active effect is cancelled if any other pet command is given, including another pet shout.
  • The unactivated duration of deployed traps varies between 1 to 5 minutes with no apparent rationale.
  • Signet of the Wild – if the effect is active upon leaving combat, the skill bar will be locked until the player enters and leaves combat again. Skills can however be changed from the Hero panel.
  • Frost Trap – effects will not apply upon triggering (including the traited ‘on trigger’ cripple) but upon the 1st pulse thereafter.
  • Viper’s Nest – tooltip displays pre-specializations poison amounts (1 stack vs 3).
  • Flame Trap applies 2 stacks of burning on trigger.


  • Maul (Greatsword #2) – unlike other melee cleave skills, only the closest target is affected by the crit chance from Precise Strike and the damage bonus from Remorseless.
  • Swoop (Greatsword #3) acts as 2 leap finishers.
  • Swoop (Greatsword #3) will immobilize the player for ~1 second mid-cast if performed on a downward slope.
  • Hilt Bash (Greatsword #5) – stated range is 300, actual range is 220.
  • Whirling Defense (Axe #5) only procs a whirl finisher at the start of the cast – used to proc multiple times like Whirling Wrath etc.
  • Stalker’s Strike missing its base range increase from the old Off-Hand Training trait.
  • Bonfire – the coefficient for the direct-damage portion is incorrect.
Rock Paper Signet – Gunnar’s Hold EU
Gather ALL the things! \o/
Ranger Bugs List

(edited by Taverius.8645)

Ranger Bugs (Updated)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Taverius.8645


In which we attempt to maintain an updated list of Ranger bugs in a thread where the OP is relatively up to date.

Many thanks to Wondrouswall and all others who reported bugs.

Ranger Bugs Listing on Google Docs

There are far too many bugs for them to be listed in forum posts, so the master list has been moved to a google doc.

Rock Paper Signet – Gunnar’s Hold EU
Gather ALL the things! \o/
Ranger Bugs List

(edited by Taverius.8645)