Showing Posts For Tazzuki.2648:

*Report vai in-game to fix shiverpeaks*

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Do not flood the CS Team with tickets about this. An in-game Bug Report will suffice, and would be the correct way to notify the QA/Dev Team.

ah okay, ill edit to correct myself =)

*Report vai in-game to fix shiverpeaks*

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648



please report this bug vai ingame report bug option

people have been losing progress due to DC’ing from the Shiverpeaks map losing materials, general progress people even have there mastery’s taken, koda skill locked again.

I have lost a few winterberrys and lost money/loot items from events which makes Shiverpeaks unplayable.

(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

Simple Human, Slyvari Hairstyle Idea

in Community Creations

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hey so I drew up some ‘quick’ sketches for some ideas I had for the next hairstyle update. I want something that doesn’t cover the forehead to make my character embracing the beauty features of her face. I don’t want it too dramaticly over detailed because I think that’ll take attention away from the rest of my character. Hope you like it!

added another 3am drawing
~feel free to share your ideas~


(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Leviona Adromeda, chillmancer… casually face palming in the snow. xD


Legendary 'Glowing dye'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


It is not possible to implement with the current dye system.
It simply allows one color per channel by the RGB system (256³ possible dyes)

(not a game developer so I might sound a little dumb xD) cant they just use the same system in which they made chaos weapons and radiant armour? but just apply them as dyes? idk correct me if I sound illogical.

Legendary 'Glowing dye'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

Legendary 'Glowing dye'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Here’s a picture of my character xD as you can see I’m wearing chaos gloves and you see where the light electric blue dye is? id like to make that glow (not too much) but just enough to give a cool subtle effect.


Legendary 'Glowing dye'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


plenty of aura availble atm can do the same, if its a legendary dye u wont be able to get it anyway unless u can afford 10k gold to buy one.

The frustrating thing is with aura armour (which is the only thing atm) is that you cannot control the colour and its a bit in your face. also for example if you had radiant shoulders/gloves its difficult to find matching armour unless you have the full armour radiant set. what I’m suggesting is… playing about with colour giving dying a bit more character and giving yourself eye candy xD.

also the gem store chaos gloves (which you can dye any colour) has nothing that can match or suit it. with my idea of having glowing dye it’ll solve that problem!

also I don’t believe realistically they would set the price for 10k gold :P it would be average legendary cost, probably be just under 1k or a little over 1.5k

(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

Legendary 'Glowing dye'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hey so i was just running around on Guildwars and for years I’ve been thinking would it be cool if we had ‘glowing’ dye effects? Imagine like.. slow moving Van Gogh animated swirls on armour would be pretty epic. perhaps a set of moving dyes can be labelled as Legendary?

interested to find out what everyone things of my idea :P! people probably thought of it before but I just thought it’ll be cool

League elite crossed 4 still not done?

in PvP

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Thank you for your help .. Just wish I payed more attention to pvp :c

League elite crossed 4 still not done?

in PvP

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hey so I’ve crossed into diamon and it seems I still have objectives, is it because I skipped a season? I’m worried that I won’t be able to get the legendary wings >.< I

I know this may be such a small question but please help me if you can >.< just tell me the good new/bad news


(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

Stronghold, Long Hour Queues

in PvP

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Because currently Anet doesn’t spend any resource on maintaining, improving, balancing or advertising that gamemode.

Its a shame because it has so much potential in my view :/ helped be get from amber to the last tier of sap within two days, (I skipped a season don’t judge) was is ruby originally but anyway its just really sad that no one likes it.

Stronghold, Long Hour Queues

in PvP

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


I am someone who is very fond of stronghold and only likes PvP because of stronghold, I love the endless strategy! but recently…

nobody ques for stronghold.

all day I have been queuing. not one poped, nothing. Wasting my time with that map, I’m hoping somehow you can encourage people to actually like stronghold more Anet. Without stronghold PvP is DEAD to me. because conquest is just full of idiots who don’t know how to cap, and conquest gets very repetitive.

With stronghold, people actually have rolls and are more organised.

I have made friends in stronghold more then conquest, very loyal friends who are smart. even thought its a very small community it actually makes PvP worth the wait and thats why im fighting for this to get fixed, please make stronghold great again.

Why are Norns spoilt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Reason why I’m making a big deal is because (this might sound silly) I’m trying to make a sheikah cosplay of zelda in disguise.. and my human has not got a good enough long braid hairstyle. :/ sad times.

otherwise I’d to make a new character and of course I don’t really want to do that even though I have tons of levelling tombs but its looking that way.

creat your dream legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


imma say three words – A bifrost sword


Why are Norns spoilt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Race popularity is not a bad or good thing, it doesn’t affect anything.

It’s just boring. Sad to see how people sink rather low to create characters that just looks the same as everyone else over and over again.

Shouldn’t have to be like that.

That’s why the “human female fashion meta” is a running joke, being constantly ridiculed.

Yeah you’re right It wouldn’t be called ‘sinking low’ if humans had more of a good choice :/ it is boring! that’s why I see more Norns around these days. People choose humans because everyone can relate to them and they feel most comfortable. (that’s why I choose them) seeing as it our own race I’d like them to be a bit more enthusiastic about character customisation. but anyway I cant just expect anet to drop everything just for humans ‘hairstyles’. I just admire the Norns hair too much I’m just like _ halp

(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

Why are Norns spoilt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


No, norn is not more popular. Humans win by a large shot. I don’t even know how you could think that.

Human females are over presented and they all look the same. Everyone got the same hairstyle, same armour, same colour, same ridiculous wings, across all professions.

The majority of them look so horrible.

Everyone need their own set of unique stuff, so no, human females shouldn’t have more.

If anything, norn should have more because they are far less presented than human.

I totally disagree with you. All human hair is ugly and they all look the same, like you said. and Norns have so much beautiful amazing hairstyles. Humans have been viewed as over popular for so long but in reality they do need just a little more effort on design towards their hairstlyes. and even if they are over popular, is that a bad thing? let people play what they want and be equal when it comes to hair oh ma gawd

Why are Norns spoilt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hey! okay so I love character customisation… I have been waiting for a good Human hairstyle for years! non of them are long enough and they don’t have enough style, amazingness to them. I was wondering why Norns can have all the good human hairstyles with so much character while Humans.. can’t have the nice ponytails hairstyles that Norns have, and are stuck with tiny designed wimp looking hairstyles.

arguments I expect:

“But that would take away the norns popularity and we would be flooded with more humans” no. that is not the case at all. I would say Norn are the most popular race but even so, I just want them to be a little more fair with the hairstyles

“why don’t you just make a norn?”
because I’m just not a big fan of the male type figure and the slow walk animation (i am female) and having a man like voice in game makes me feel uncomfortable. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE Norns but i just cant see me playing as one.

anyway, I’m interested to see what you think on the subject as it’s just been stuck on my mind.

(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

My AP was taken?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


I have not taken a brake at all! just remembered this little hiccup moment that has always been on my mind >.< back then I wasn’t a crazy player…. so I never really bothered to jump to high conclusions or have the motivation to seek for answers I just played as if nothing was wrong. But now 4-3 years later im kinda sad that I only have 6k AP to show… I just hope Anet can find some old data or something to see if I was right or if im just going crazy.

(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

My AP was taken?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


GWAMM only adds around 550 AP,

The only other AP that was removed was the original dungeon runner AP, it was capped along time ago, I know a few people who lost upwards of 4k AP, but the vast amount that you are talking about is years worth of AP,

I would contact support and ask them.

Also side note, opening the AP chests does not remove the AP from your account, so your account is either bugged, or you have gotten the AP numbers vastly mixed up.

That’s what I’m worried about XD thank you everyone for responding and I’ll try my best to figure this one out! It was defiantly my AP that kept being taken as I opened the chests. It wasn’t just one day I opened my AP Tab and they disappeared; I watched them be taken as I literally opened the chest which was kinda odd :P

My AP was taken?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hey, so i’m an old beta player and I want to take you back to the time the AP chests where released. I’m not sure if this was a bug at that time so I completely ignored it until now but when I opened the chests it seemed to swallow up my AP points. Now at the time I remember having about 23k points but my memory might be jaggered (I might have had more?). I just want to know if anyone else had this issue or even if it is? and perhaps return what was taken from me? because My friends make fun of me that I now only have 6k AP and Its quite embarrassing XD

more explained
Basically as I opened a chest it would take away from my 23k points making me not able to afford any other chests.
you can see each chest adds up leaving me with hardly any points left…. but then I soon learned that AP does not work like currency, it should not be taken away as you open chests. I’m wanting to know if I was invloved in some bug?

if i’m wrong on any of these points to tell me as im as confused as any player would be
>.< my curiosity is taking over

I pray that someone can help me thank you for reading!

Hairstyle updates? When

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


New hairstyles >.<? I’m struggling to find the patients to wait for new hairstyles for humans… As I’m crazy about character customisation!

I mean I absolutely love guildwars but I just really feel that my character lacks an individual character feeling from not having much choice XD

I really love the norn hairstyle braids but my mains are mostly human and I feel like I’ll never look cool without some kind of really long hair. The human hair is not crazy enough for me! I have my total makeover kit but I don’t want to use it unless there’s a new patch coming up

Basically skip everything I said – my question is – When’s the next update for total makeover kits?

Much love,

PVP- Wont let me party in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


I’m not sure how setting your contacts status to offline would affect matchmaking, but glad to hear it’s working!

Thank you for your quick response! Have a lovely day/evening

PVP- Wont let me party in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Are you saying you are unable to queue when partied with another player? You could be in the the ‘stuck’ state.

It seemed that I appeared offline, could that have affected it? It seems fixed now

PVP- Wont let me party in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Are you saying you are unable to queue when partied with another player? You could be in the the ‘stuck’ state.

Yes! I have attempted to join an endless number of people and I can never join them

tried logging in and out again didnt help either !

PVP - not being able to party ranked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hi. I’m having a little trouble with being not able to party with people (who could already join me in the previous match) to join me in a group PVP ranked session. I have never known this to happen to me and I was wondering if anyone else had the same issue or if it actually part of the game. Solo que is driving me insane please help before I harm myself
we are the same tire/ emerald t5 unknown issue of not being able to party?

thank you

much love, taz

PVP- Wont let me party in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hi. I’m having a little trouble with being not able to party with people (who could already join me in the previous match) to join my in a group PVP ranked session. I have never known this to happen to me and I was wondering if anyone else had the same issue or if it actually part of the game. Solo que is driving me insane please help before I harm myself

we are the same tire/ emerald t5 unknown issue of not being able to party?

thank you

much love, taz

Musical intruments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


I would love to see Ukalale, bongos a random pianos/harps stuff like that too :P it would defiantly benefit Guildwars with creative people

(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

Musical intruments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hey! I was very impressed with the inducement of musical instruments and I was wondering if they are bringing out any further instruments like a violin or something. I understand that some people could say that the trumpet was annoying but its nice to hear modern music through Guildwars <3

also if the instrument have more options, that would be cool <3

I'm stuck in a wall

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Good news, I was able to teleport out after a while, lets hope this bug doesn’t happen again. Still might need looking into

I'm stuck in a wall

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hello! I was in the middle of combat on my Mesma and I appeared to have teleported into a wall. this is not the first time it has happened though, Its happened a few times but this time.. I seem to be stuck in combat and I cant have access to using the Waypoints so my character is completely stuck.

there is a few other glitches too, like when you use the skill ‘Blink’ on Mesma you seem to become a statue and look like your sliding on the ground like there’s no friction. I found it amusing at first but this glitch has lasted since BETA and it make you look a little silly :P mainly noticed it in WvW.

Also in WvW the skill that turns you invisible ‘Veil’ on Mesma does it but I’m not sure if it still does it. Might need looking into.

please fix this bug so that i can play my character, it wont even let me go into the mists because I’m stuck in combat :/

My location is Brisban Wildlands, Vandal’s Claim.
I appear to be dying so ill probably be able to teleport out soon maybe. lets hope!

(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

Trait Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Haha I see all makes sense now!! Thank god I didn’t mess my character up! I just wasn’t clued up on traits I guess xD
And indeed Khisanth now that I think of it, it would be a little op

Thank you Dasorine

Trait Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


As you can see., the hexagons are blacked out and locked. I think i got the first and second at level 70-60ish and I’m not sure when i got the last.

Is it possible to miss out on traits because you didn’t obtain the books in time? if that’s the issue.. then i think that needs to be changed maybe? to stop people from messing up xD

I will get some screen shots inside the PvP if that’s necessary ^^


Trait Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hey, sorry i couldn’t respond sooner! Had to sleep. Anyway here are the screen shots;


Trait Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


I think round about level 70-60ish they stopped giving me traits is there a problem?

Trait Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hello i have been level 80 for quite some time now and been levelling and gaining skill points… but not trait points.

I have brought all the following books out through the game;
Adept’s Training Manual
Master’s Training Manual
Grandmaster’s Training Manual.

I double click them and consume them but still they are locked!
they STILL don’t work in PvP either I only have one tire.

The hexagon icon it locked.. and I’m not getting any traits even though im leveling! oh dear

See I am worried that I have gone wrong somewhere or ruined my character. So I’m asking… is this my fault or the games? xD

(edited by Tazzuki.2648)

Buying Items from gem store but not appearing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Ah yes I have it now! Thank you very much. Now I just need to find out how to equip it.. Hmmm xD

Buying Items from gem store but not appearing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tazzuki.2648


Hello, I have recently (today) have brought a ‘Quaggan backpack’ from the gem store but its not appearing.

It did a good job taking my gems.. then told me to look in my mail were it said it should be, but No Quaggan backpack could be seen anywhere!

Iv waited an hour but its still not there. Iv made sure my messages are not full so the final conclusion it’s the games fault.

I was fully confident that I would receive it but clearly iv been betrayed xD

I would like my gems back or receive my cute Quaggan backpack please. Thank you