Showing Posts For TeenageEars.1580:
You can only select an Elite Specialization using the third, or bottom, Specialization slot on your build tab.
…And there it is. Thank you! I’m gonna close this thread since it’s pointless now.
Sorry! One more thing. It’s not really related, but do you know if there’s anyway to see your own character portrait in the corner when you join a party? I know it’s silly, but I’d prefer it.
Thanks! I didn’t know that existed. I used to just browse the Trading Post. Much appreciated.
Hey guys.
I’m just wondering if someone could please tell me a medium armor glove type that looks like fingerless gloves. Does GW2 have something like that? Thanks for the help.
As someone coming back to the game, I have a question about the expansion and Elite Specs. Will other older specs be getting retuned and updated as well or is all the work generally going into these Elite Specs? Also, is it true that these Elite Specs cost more hero points than others to unlock?
I had hoped older specs would be getting retuned as well, but from what I’ve noticed so far, it’s mainly concentrated on elite specs. The one thing I dislike about that is it seems to get rid of any kind of unique builds. Seems every char will be a clone of one another.