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Killing people in sPVP with no amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tego.3129


This smells of bullkitten and angles.

The Mighty Altroll's Mighty Metas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tego.3129


I am so anti religion. Well anti ignorance. (I’ll leave it/and stop there.) So
I’m not overly thrilled about title High Priest being given to the build which is most similar to the build I hashed out from scratch for myself last night. Nearly identical. :]

I think the only difference is you chose to showcase Axe/Focus and D/WH, over my personally favored use of Staff, Axe/WH set up.

And there is only one trait different I think. I rathered to opt for the..
30 – I, X, XII
10 – II
30 – II, X, XII

..set up. As it just seemed best for me then. But every thin else exactly the same. In fact, it makes me wonder if you seen/heard me describing it in the Mists map chat… (3 trait choice differences/one in each tree. 1 equipment difference(instead of Sigil of Energy I went Battle.) utilities and elite all the same -_- haah Great minds do think alike!

(edited by Tego.3129)

The Mighty Altroll's Mighty Metas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tego.3129


Way into about 25hrs testing after the big change I found this

to do an obscene amount of damage. Steady as well as insane burst via the wells/marks/Axe2Spam coped with by with some nimble DS ability smashing of ’enteringDS, DarkPath(2), TaintedShackles(5), Doom (3), then LifeTransfer(4).

Basically the key (or what seemed to be so to me) was the 30 in Soul Reaping giving the GM trait DeathlyPerception(+50%crit in DS)
I think I had near 3400 attack,, about 47% crit, and an impressive 62% crit dam increase which gets allot of usage. Your wells and the LifeTransfer together with DS abilities well times can do some BooKoo BigBottaBoom! To be sure.

Often I’d just sit back and just have my toon standing still and laughed at how big and plentiful the damage numbers where, Not worrying because enemies were running or dying or both. Not to mention the fact that, unless you get (2-3) focused and/or CC locked (or you Opps-blow your DS ability cooldowns), enemies all around would just melt.
For anyone still standing your not left without recourse. Start spamming LifeBlast which can hit for up around 3200-4700(bip). Forced to come out of DS go into Lich and realize you do about the same damage with PlagueBlast as you where just going with LifeBlast.

The CDs on wells along with the handy staff marks ensure that you have population controls to some degree, and the UNMATCHED LifeForce accumulation due to the fact that i think every single thing you do adds to your LS bar filling up. (ie, Staff auto attack, Staff Marks traited , Axes GhastlyClaws (2).

Even if your DS abilities aren’t off CD the option to just into a position of defense ie, in DS, WHERE mind you, you have Crazy-Cannon-Lasers of Life-Blasts at readily available to Nuke singles dwn surprisingly fast.

**I may have missed many things/points is so Sorry. Too tired atm to proofread. :P
One more thing though. What I shared was hands down the most successful settup/attack as judged to be so from feedback I got solo Qing for about 22-25hrs straight in tpvp matches. Some against kitten pugs, some against shockingly organized premades.
Though, In the middle of all that I also played allot of MM and seen (same weps/same amulet/Divinity instead of Oger) 20/0/20/30/0 (minions draw condis) or even just 30/0/20/20/0 (+20%dam to <50%health enemies) both shined as expected but even moreso incorporating that new TaintedShackles rotation/using FleshGolem as a replacement for the well burst just before going into DS.

Gatta go the hell to sleep but I want to say in summation, I didn’t mention the build/settup I found (at the very end, last-Call hour of testing around numerous builds both power as well as condi) which in the opinion of me, my eyes, and the clock i found one which has energizer burst. 30/0/10/0/30 but instead of the 20%dam to enemies with <50%hp, get some Burn. Then hit the vender for as much burn duration increasers you can find until the duration is at at least 75% (3 sets of 2 Rune pairs w/15%, and +10% Sigils for weps).

That will give you Burn on enemy upon crit for 7 full seconds (*), then only 3 sekittenil you again apply Burn for another 7 sec!. 8] I went that route in the last 30min so havent improved it past that (burn wise). With Zerker its about 300-400ticks, with more donci damage using carrion or Rabid (and dropping Axe for Septer, Burn ticks for like 650. 7 seconds out of 10! :P

I love the changes. Please give feedback and, Goodnight!

(edited by Tego.3129)