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System Hang at Temple of the Forgotten God - Personal Story

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Temakura.1539


After looking at the ArenaNet.log it indicated a cache located locally on my computer. I deleted the files in this cache and was able to complete the quest without crashing.

System Hang at Temple of the Forgotten God - Personal Story

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Temakura.1539


Same as well, and yes, always the third shrine.

I have had two different thigns happen……One is that the game freezes up with repeating audio of the background sounds over and over. In addition on another attempt this happened again, but the screen had all kinds of graphic anomalies and artifacts making it impossible to see anything on the screen. This has blocked progreess on my personal story and I cannot move forward with it.

(edited by Temakura.1539)

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Temakura.1539


The Oceanic folks are doing nothing wrong, they are in fact not “night-capping”, they are playing during their prime time. Nobody should be asking for them to be penalized by lowering the scores at those times, that’s just not right. Also, this garbage about them having no lives or jobs is ridiculous and insulting. Despite some of the things I’ve read in these forums, I’ve personally seen Australians wearing shoes. When it is daytime in NA it is night time down there and vice versa. No matter where you live on our planet, when you are sleeping, someone, someplace, is going about their day doing what they do.

WvWvW was designed to have three competing servers for a reason; this was to remove the possibility of one dominating server from being so dominating that they could never be beaten. The idea was that the two lesser-populated servers could both focus the assets of the dominating server to such a degree that their dominance could be mitigated. The problem is that this “balance check” is evidently not in fact enough to counter a server with great North American and Oceanic presence. The evidence of this is that two of the best NA servers (both with lesser Oceanic presence) have been unable to counter the point gains of the number 1 server that accumulate Monday through Thursday while most in North America sleep.

The obvious solution for the losing servers would be to recruit more Oceanic folks and convince them to transfer, transfer over to their server, or pick a lower population server and have everyone involved transfer there. The unfortunate thing about this solution is that there are painful barriers such as the transferring guilds losing all the upgrades they put in place. There is also a queue time issue; the higher the population gets on a server the greater the queue times get. This is to be expected of course, but the times get so great (4 to 6 hours in some cases) that it is just not worth it to transfer just to find that you cannot play WvWvW all. The solution to the queue time issue is of course…to transfer to another server. The answer to every problem with Guild Wars 2 is fast becoming, “Transfer to another server.”

Maybe a solution to the queue time issue is to raise the caps in WvWvW but given the rendering and lag issues during large scale battles we are seeing, I think it would make matters worse. Anet could do more optimization, or upgrade servers, but that comes at a cost and they are likely to be resistant to this idea. Anet keeps inferring that the solution is in our hands and we can work it out by transferring. No matter how you slice it, it appears the solution does not lie in the hands of the player base; it lies in the hands of Anet.