The worst is when i go for vista points…..Then i am stuck sitting there on the vista point unable to activate it since i am “in combat”.
I experienced this today for the first time. In the Mire Sea near the Restless Deeps POI. That Vista is one you must climb upwards to reach. There’s a bunch of Krait in the way, of course. I thought I was quite clever and nimble! Killed some Krait and managed to maneuver around the rest. When I reached the Vista, no joy! Wouldn’t let me view it due to the “in combat” state. Unfortunately, there wasn’t another soul around so I guess it’ll have to wait until I can get a posse together to stomp every last single one of those slithery scalliwags, steal from their treasure chest and nab the Vista. Hope this gets fixed soon because as it stands now, a single player who thinks creatively is being awarded a penalty instead of a beautiful view.