Showing Posts For Temus.7086:
I definitely understand that as a more physical class we won’t have all the flashy flames or lightning etc… that other classes have. My problem is that almost all of the ability animations for Daredevil are recycled from other parts of the game, which makes it feel thrown together and not unique at all. If all of the other professions get mostly new animations, why are we the only profession given leftovers?
I just watched the Scrapper ability reveal, and I can’t understand why elite specializations that have been revealed both before and after the Daredevil seem so full of unique effects, animations, and flavor compared to ours. Balance aside, where is the creativity in design or satisfaction in using the abilities of daredevil (staff especially) compared to ALL of the other specializations that have been revealed? As a thief main, I am jealous and frustrated, and just want to understand WHY this striking difference in quality has occurred.
That sums up my feelings perfectly, Amante.
And even vault is re-used in one of the traited dodges
Yeah, I think that is part of it too, it doesn’t feel very cohesive or like the fluid martial arts style I thought it would be.
I am a long time thief player and was eagerly awaiting the ability to try out the elite specialization, but after experiencing it I feel pretty neglected compared to the rest of the classes. I’m not speaking about viability or power of the various elites that have been introduced, but simply the amount of work that has gone into making the daredevil feel exciting and unique compared to the rest of the classes.
As far as I can tell, the other elites that have been introduced have had far more new animations and spell effects built in with the new abilities (reaper form abilities/GS abilites, ele spell effects, guardian trap animations/virtues, warrior magma rock/shockwave abilities, chrono wall, etc…).
Considering that thief doesn’t have many spell effects to begin with, I can’t understand why ArenaNet would give us so many recycled animations. Sorry if this seems rant-y, I’m sure other elites have recycled animations too, but I just feel very frustrated with the discrepancy in quality comparative to the other elites.
How do you guys feel?