Showing Posts For Tenal.1546:

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tenal.1546


I’m maxed out in MP right now with 193. I don’t care about resetting them with this new Vendor NPC just to get the War Gliding Mastery. Any idea how much this new Gliding Mastery will cost in HoT MP?

You’re gonna need World Ability Points and not Mastery Points to get the WvW gliding, so no worries (=

I completely misread that. Thanks for the clarification!

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tenal.1546


I’m maxed out in MP right now with 193. I don’t care about resetting them with this new Vendor NPC just to get the War Gliding Mastery. Any idea how much this new Gliding Mastery will cost in HoT MP?

Role Playing Question and/or Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenal.1546


When you get off the bus, feel free to give a detailed response if you like. LOL. It’s NOT a huge issue, but it is another another part of the this game which I feel is important to a lot of players, and I would enjoy being a part of it without having to undergo the same scrutiny as members of an elite PVP or Raid guild would undergo. I have underwent both and passed a long time ago. Not keen on doing it with my RP skills which are in all honesty are better than any of the above ever were. I just don’t want to mess up peoples’ stories…but at the same time…if they are PUBLIC with their /emotes…then aren’t they inviting others to participate? That’s my deal mainly. :-)

Role Playing Question and/or Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenal.1546



I’ve been playing mmos since Ultima. I’ve RP’d since pencil and paper D&D and done so in just about every game aside from this one which I just started playing in November of last year.

I really enjoy RP in many of its contexts, however, I generally stay away since it takes a lot of effort to get into a good story and maintain a decent part in it. That’s only fair.

However, I hang out in the Royal Terrace most of the time to do my business in GW2. I consider most of my characters to be of certain birth and place in Divinity’s Reach. I also have Norn and Asuran characters. I put some thought into them. However, I usually end up playing them solo and just having a good time.

I have over the last eight months tried with no success to insinuate myself into the PUBLIC discourse of /emotes that I can see on my chat screen a number of times.

First of all, I realize I can just turn them OFF. However, that can limit my game elsewhere. So, I leave it ON.

I see these really great /emote conversations while I’m doing my banking and trading on the Royal Terrace, and they are coming from an adjacent zone of the city. Yes, we all know that /emotes carry a long way.

I can’t help but be enticed into the conversation because I am not just a mechanical player. I enjoy a certain RP element as well.

I got my RT permanent pass last late Winter. Since then, I have tried a number of times to get myself into the PUBLIC /emote conversations of players being VERY polite, very subtle, very creative, very rude, very aggressive, very silly and a number of other things on a number of toons.

I have received hardly any responses. Just recently when I tried to politely “talk” as a human Krytan wearing the Ornate Silk Clothing tonic trying to blend into groups in the that bar area where /emotes can be heard from the Royal Terrace, I was frankly ignored by two of them. I got /laughs from one or two and two whispers.

One whisper said, "Hang in there “bro.” The other whisper said, “not sure you’re gonna fly here, bro.”

Not sure about all this BRO BS since they were all female…and I mean ALL of them female with one or two males standing about. IS this RP in GW2 about a bunch of guys wanting to ERP with each other as women?

I tried again this evening, but I did it as a really aggressive and feisty Asura. I sat and watched the /emote convos for about twenty minutes, then I created a line or two that I thought would be appropriate to enter the story line.

I got a whisper, “What are you trying to do with my character?”

Then I get, “You need to go away, or we’re going to report you…”

AND they did. I mean I didn’t break the TOS, but I got reported for trying to sincerely RP with other RP gamers.

Does one really have to APPLY now to RP? Have people become so really insane…as in more than I am…and believe me, I have issues which take me out of reality sometimes but not in a bad way…in order to RP with what seems to be the same people?

I can see elitism being a thing in a PVP or RAID context because it takes certain manual ant twitchy skill which as an older gamer, I no longer have. However, I can write a story line for just about any scenario in a few minutes and insert dialogue.

Are we down to that now? Or are these just some kitten players?

I mean I wouldn’t say this if I had not been experiencing this for a while. I’ve only been playing GW2 since last November which makes me just over a noob. but I am no noob to RP.

I think it’s cool if groups do NOT want people included in their story. It so, then put the story into a PARTY OR SQUAD context. Use a guild chat for it if the story needs a tag which my lord, that must be a large RP group. If it’s larger, then, MEH, get a TAG for it.

I am simply over walking into this same bar in a number of different guises seeing PUBLIC /emotes and /say convos going on and being excluded regardless of whatever I do. AND NO, “Hang in there, Bro…” is not an appropriate response.

Yeah, this is rant. It’s a big rant since it’s been building up since last Spring for me at least. What I would like is some simple advice on how to deal with this. If one must apply with RP background, Social Security Number, Games Played, your GW2 player background with player Name, Race, Profession and complete choices in the Personal Story to Zhaitan’s end….then well, KITTEN me.

That’s how I feel RP is in GW2 as I’ve tried to experience it in the last six to eight months. Your positive feedback would be appreciated.

(edited by Tenal.1546)

Agony Resistance BACK item question...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tenal.1546


I just had the opportunity to make a new ascended back piece item via Leatherworking. Please excuse my ignorance, but I did try to look this up. However, the exact answer was not forthcoming.

I had the choice of making the Light of Dwayna which I really found fitting my whole armor look or the Bough of Melandru. I chose the latter because it had an instant Agony Resistance slot which the former did not.

They both have the same material requirements, and they both look graphically appealing in their own rights. I just don’t get why one has the AR and the other does not aside from one being put out in the game earlier and the other later.

I am newer to GW2, and I was needing the AR the Bough of Melandru offered sooner rather than later. Again, just curious why one had the slot and another did not. OR is it a mystery of Tyria? LOL

Legendary Crafting Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tenal.1546


I have the first book and unlocked it. I just wish I had NOT spent my Tyrian Mastery points on other things. Chalk it up to being a noob. Guess it’s time to get more Tyrian Mastery Points.

Legendary Crafting Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tenal.1546


There are a plethora of posts, videos etc about Nevermore. However I have one question. How many levels of the Central Tyrian Mastery Legendary Crafting do you need to begin and finish the Legendary Staff? I have two already.

I cannot find "I Found It..."

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tenal.1546


Thanks again for the advice. I “found” it this morning and finished the achievement.

I cannot find "I Found It..."

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tenal.1546


Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep it up until I finally get sucked under!

I cannot find "I Found It..."

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tenal.1546


I’ve been doing Tequatl about ten times straight in the last few days, and I’m stuck on I Found It.

Yes, I have read a few other posts, looked at videos, read the marvelous Dulfy and asked a number of players in game. When in game it either does spawn, or it doesn’t.

When it does, it’s usually on a map with JUST the right Goldilocks Zone of players. When it doesn’t, it’s on a zerg kill it quick map…OR a totally underpopulated one.

Any advice on finding the RIGHT map, and when I DO find it, where in the kitten I should stand and what it actually looks like aside from the dated images and videos available?


Can you hide the Mastery EXP bar?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tenal.1546


I’m a returning player, and in my Tyria Mastery Points bar, no, there is no way to turn it off. It’s just sits there at FULL looking you in the face as you waste your experience until you have that ONE more point or TWO or THREE or FOUR more points to make it behave.

Please bring back black wings to the gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenal.1546


I would like both sets. Just posted a Dear Santa request! LOL

Dear ArenaNet Santa

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenal.1546


Last minute Angel Wings for 24 hours? Hmmm? Tis the season!!

I need some final opinions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tenal.1546


I had my Elementalist in full zerker gear hoping to just cut down everything that popped up before they could kill him. That did work for the most part, but gosh, there was no room for being sloppy. Run away sometimes, die trying or just die. I did look into changing out his gear which is still just exotic, but it still didn’t seem like he could take much of a beating.

Anyway, I understand fully that HoT isn’t meant to be easy, and I like that. Most of the events are intended for groups. However, my style right now is definitely more laid back, and I’m really wanting to emulate the Old World feeling of exploration in Tyria.

In other words, I don’t want to be so keyed up looking over my shoulder all the time. I’m afraid that I only have so much time to invest in a main character. So, I have to choose wisely from the two professions. I like both. I guess I’m just asking which at level 80 without a full elite spec would stand up to to being beaten up in HoT.

I’m gathering that Ranger might fit this bill from the comments. If so, what sort of non-elite build would I want to go with and what type of armor type/mix? Thanks again for the attention and the comments thus far.

I need some final opinions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tenal.1546


I picked up GW2 three years ago, but I actually started playing it a few weeks ago after HoT. I chose the profession which interested me the most. I leveled my Elementalist up to 80, did a few Tyria Mastery levels and then moved into HoT.

I have played this type of character many times from the most unforgiving games to the easiest. I have found that HoT with my Elementalist may not be the best combination for me. I like to sign on and play casually mainly solo in the open world not having to worry if a random mob is going to take me out like a mack truck. I need in other words a profession that is very forgiving of mistakes.

I have done some research on this very question, and from the comments I have seen, the Necromancer and Ranger seem to fit this bill. Both have qualities that would be great for solo play in HoT. I’ve leveled both a Ranger and Necro up to 30ish. I can’t really get a feel for what either would be like at the HoT level.

That being said, are their any final opinions from seasoned players over which of these professions both which I enjoy would best suit my casual and solo play style? Thanks for your attention.

Returning Player Necromancer Question

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tenal.1546


Played GW2 when it first came out for just a short time. Dabbled in Necromancy with a Human Necro. Came back this week, and made an Asura Necromancer.

The Asura Necro is not able to use any Healing skill other than Consume Conditions. My human Necromancer was able to use Summon Blood Fiend and Consume Conditions.

Tried researching this, and I can’t find any reason why he doesn’t have Summon Blood Fiend. Is there a way that I’m missing to gain this skill?


Nowadays, you have to train up skill lines. Go into your Hero panel and click the third icon from the top (looks kinda like an arrow facing upward with a person silhouette in the middle). Then you can spend Hero Points to learn new skills. You have to buy up skill lines sequentially, though, and obviously you’ll need to earn Hero Points before you can spend them. You’ll get enough Hero Points by leveling to 80 to unlock all base traits and skills, but you can speed up the process by completing Hero Challenges (and you’ll have to complete Hero Challenges to get enough Hero Points to buy the Reaper Elite Specialization).

Thank you for the advice. It pointed me in the right direction.

Returning Player Necromancer Question

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tenal.1546


Played GW2 when it first came out for just a short time. Dabbled in Necromancy with a Human Necro. Came back this week, and made an Asura Necromancer.

The Asura Necro is not able to use any Healing skill other than Consume Conditions. My human Necromancer was able to use Summon Blood Fiend and Consume Conditions.

Tried researching this, and I can’t find any reason why he doesn’t have Summon Blood Fiend. Is there a way that I’m missing to gain this skill?
