Showing Posts For Tessla.7516:

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tessla.7516


Hey everyone, this sounds like a fantastic idea! I’ve been playing since the last beta (GW1 player on and off since the last beta for that one too) and I’ve gotten most of the solo exploration out of my system dragging a character up to 80. Now I’m mostly playing with alts and helping out friends when I can. I would much rather repeat content with a fun group or a buddy than agonize over completion (the game is so much more fun played socially and I still haven’t done most of the dungeons or exploration!) I’m not the best player by a long shot, but I try to figure things out and be patient when other people are trying to learn mechanics too.

Name: Tessla
Main Character: Lilywhite Lilith (only because she’s currently at 80, I’m playing on alts more often than not.)
Current Server: Ehmry Bay
Interested Activities: Random exploring, dungeons, PvE, maybe some WvW occasionally.
Active: Very casual, so not always regularly active. I’m mostly on Fridays and Weekends, sometimes evenings during the week too.
Additional Comments: I am unusually bad at jumping. That said, I really enjoy jumping puzzles, they just take me a ridiculously long time to complete.

Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes yes yes! This sounds like exactly my cup of tea.