Showing Posts Upvoted By The BFG.4160:

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I never said anything, but since you’re trying to call someone out here, I’ll take my turn too. The GvG with RE though unofficial, was the most clkitten play and waste of time we’ve done with any guild. From the 20 minute waits between rounds where RE members rage quit and you had to find replacements, to your fellow guildies hard downing my guys after they went over to you to clear any stacks they had every single time we beat you, to you guys coming over to recount HOPE’s numbers and taking your sweet time to check out our comp (wouldn’t care but this was in between rounds and we just wanted to fight), the respect my guild has for that GvG is pretty much non existent.

Yup. You described just another standard GvG with RE.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zoel.9154


New thread, as the prior one was made by someone who has parted ways with the server.

I regret to inform each of you that Fort Aspenwood has completely and utterly failed to implode. Although the wonderful man who generated our last thread has left the server, Fort Aspenwood remains.

Therefore, as God Emperor and Consumer Relationship Manager as well as Chief Evangelist for Fort Aspenwood, I have been asked to invite each of you to frolic and bask in the glorious halo of Fort Aspenwood.

My consumer relations research department has informed me that people who watch significant amounts of Japanese Animation between the ages of 16 and 28 tend to have the highest coverage per player, therefore, we have carefully crafted this video to attract this target demographic.

The consumer relations research department has also informed me that this is the part of the post where I inform you of the generic reasons to transfer to Fort Aspenwood that actually apply to every server looking for transfers. Great queues, great community, great generic quality statement here- there, the consumer relations department is happy.

You might reasonably ask yourself, why, Zoel, why should I or my guild transfer to Fort Aspenwood?

1. Have you ever wanted to date the goth girl on a syndicated american television show about high school because you sympathized with how she is too cool to have friends? We have no less than seventeen polls conducted by independent polling corporations that indicate we are more like that goth girl you wanted to date than 8 of the 9 major leading brands of toothpaste.

2. Seismologists have failed to indicate via official statement— yet with a wink and a nudge (and a few beers) were eager to mention (strictly off the record, of course) that we’re more stable than an overactive volcano, which is a pretty low bar when it comes to the numerous private islands I own, but happens to make us the most stable server in Guild Wars 2.

3. After a recent congressional hearing we are obligated to make the following statement: Fort Aspenwood has little to no desire to enslave you to the good of the server. A wise man once told me: “Stuff gets taken, stuff gets lost.” I have since trademarked that sentence and you better believe I have a team of lawyers who are enslaved to the good of me suing the pants off of you if you use it. Additionally I am told by our legal council to state that we have no war council and as such pose no significant threat to the United Nations or nearly any sovereign nation. The extent of our control on one another is to make disapproving posts that nobody else reads; just like 85% of the employee handbook infraction notices human resources places on my desk. Our loose reset assignments are first come first serve because no business has succeeded issuing participation ribbons; and exist solely and completely to avoid over-queuing one borderland- which my staff assured me is important.

4. One person- either a hobo or Albert Einstein just told me that we have the best coverage to glicko ratio in the game. I want to be clear that this does not mean we have low coverage. Also allow me to make this bold yet unqualified assertion: Glicko is an accurate representation of coverage within 200-300 points. Accordingly, we have somewhere between the 5th and 8th best coverage in North America. Consequently, we likely have the highest coverage of any server you could transfer to without waiting for it to cease being “Full.”

5. Once again due to prior congressional hearings we are further obligated to inform interested candidates of the following: we are basically the evil server or something. Yeah, we allegedly kill people in the JP for fun. We also allegedly kill yak parades because they drop bags. We even more allegedly take keeps just because they looked at us the wrong way (which happens constantly.) The prosecution in our pending court cases have also suggested the ridiculous idea that we privately make fun of our opponents for being poorly geared and/or unskilled. These are the allegations levied against us, but they have yet to be fully proven in a court of law among a jury of our peers.

6. As a corollary to #5, we are awesome.

Should you be in need of additional information, please feel free to contact myself (Zoel Train), Mercenary Higgins, or Drigan Prime, and we can arrange to provide you with further details and answer your questions.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Valor Zhinsin.3610

Valor Zhinsin.3610

Fort Aspenwood is a rock solid server. We are not a bandwagon server. Any group large medium or small will find a welcoming home behind the Fort in our name.
Ace Mesmer Vic Zhinsin FA

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sista.1925


We need zombie fighters with heart.

Baby Sista
Listening to Prince.
IOJ>KAIN>FA….few stops in between and after.

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: CAA.9653


If you like zergballs, come to FA! We fight TC all the time!

If you like small fights, come to FA! We need people to cause trouble in TC BL so they leave our keep in EB and our BL alone!

Just make sure to be on Teamspeak, and have fun

Guardian – Cameid, but my friends call me Cam

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vazqo.8012


No better server to join if you like the big fights, small fights and fight to the last man attitude…

Czarist/Vazqo/Vazco et al
Fort Aspenwood

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zoel.9154


Fort Aspenwood is a rock solid server. We are not a bandwagon server. Any group large medium or small will find a welcoming home behind the Fort in our name.
Ace Mesmer Vic Zhinsin FA

no! we are a bandwagon, I swear

We’re the aspenwagon. geet onnnnn

Transfer to Fort Aspenwood.. So I can farm even more bags from these guys.

ZN’s version of bag farming is pretty neat since I usually get a lot of stuff. ZN was not a good fit for FA, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s worth explaining why they weren’t a good fit.

First off, ZN didn’t have very much experience fighting in the open field back then, so militia weren’t willing to follow them very much. Second, ZN cared a lot about PPT, but they had to learn the hard way that PPT is a product of coverage until you hit a threshold of coverage like in t1, where they came from in the first place. Third, they wanted us to treat them as if they had a certain reputation that, frankly, we were (and remain) unfamiliar with.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

(edited by Zoel.9154)

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Thanks for the nice words TC.

I am obligated to hate you and say all sorts of horrible things about you and your coverage, but today I shall be quiet.

I do miss the yak parades and the LARPing.


Nox – Fort Aspenwood

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ruru.1302


I came here back in december from CD because I was impressed with their tactics. I’m still an active WvWer to this day, with no burnouts and all I can say is this server is amazing.

[Mada] Apocryfia

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: moonie.2746


I made the jump to FA around 4 months ago (coming from Maguuma) and I don’t regret one thing. I was really impressed by their skill/tactics they had when I was playing against them (FA). Even while reading on the vs thread you don’t see alot of complaining from these guys compared to the others. The community outside the wvw realm is pretty laid back and helpful. So yeah I can say I’m FA and proud lol.

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zoel.9154


From now on we will be referred to as “The Aspenhood”

It is so decreed.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ivan.3401


You are the only person to make me log in to the forums just so I can reply. So bravo on that. Second, orgasmically awesome recruitment message.

And thirdly, I’ve been on FA since the start and all i can say is that we just keep on keepin’ on. We have weathered other servers implosions, update catastrophes, new games releasing, and we are still going strong because of our server attitude. You want to pvp, go ahead, you want to wvw all day? Theres tons of people right there with you, you want to make a flame ram facing the cliff and use the #2 skill for trolls and completely disregarding ppt cause thats not what you are feeling today? You better get your CoF p1 farm on cause you will love it here!

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: ninjambo.3784


Current WvW-centric guilds on FA are as goes.

NA time:
Big: [RET] [GODS]
Medium:[ACE] [RAM] [HOPE] [SIC] [APS] [VK]
Small: [BURN] [ET] [RED] [MG]

Oceanic Time:
Big: [PRO]
Medium: [AVTR]
Small: [EPX]

SEA Time:
Big: [DPS]
Medium: None
Small: [MKN] [JPN]

EU Time: No guilds, only one organized militia force in teamspeak

From this list I hope that guilds and players can see where we need the most help. NA is the least, EU is the most, but clearly there is more room for everyone. Roamers and Soloers are needed for havoc. Big guilds are needed for coverage in every time but NA (still could use 1 more big NA guild).

Stawker / Lord Stawk
Founder and former Guild Leader of [RET] Reticle
Current Guild Leader of [BLNT] Better Luck Next Time

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: ninjambo.3784


P.S. thats not all the guilds, just the ones that I can think of as im typing. I know I missed PD, uA, and a few others.

Dont forget, these are just the WvW guilds. The PvX guilds help alot too when they hold WvW events 1 or 2 times a week

Stawker / Lord Stawk
Founder and former Guild Leader of [RET] Reticle
Current Guild Leader of [BLNT] Better Luck Next Time

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vazqo.8012


Best choice you could make for yourself/guild

Czarist/Vazqo/Vazco et al
Fort Aspenwood

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: CAA.9653


Our NA is pretty solid, but we could still get one more NA guild to compete with the bigger servers. We are especially looking for more Oceanic, Euro, and Sea guilds to help our present guilds in those time slots.

Guardian – Cameid, but my friends call me Cam

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Karmik.2641


Hello reader My IGN is Silo Menel, Guild Leader of [APS] a guild formed by pre-existing members of the server. Fort Aspenwood as of late has proven that it is one of, if not the most resilient server, there is. Many think that we are losing assets and we are somehow not going to bounce back. Many do not realize that FA has recently acquired new guilds. FA is gaining speed and currently is looking for OCX and SEA players to join our fight. We have [DPS] who, and in my honest opinion, is the hardest working guild on the game. To fight alongside them is but an honor. Let FA be your home if you are looking for a stable server of some of the strongest fighters in game. Take part in the FA that is currently gaining steam!

[APS] Silo Menel- Guild Master

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Super Kruegs.8967

Super Kruegs.8967

If you like target rich environment, and to run with guilds that hardened by months of TC coverage come to FA. I had to make the investment in 20 slot bags so i didn’t have to sell all my loot every 15 minutes. Best part is FA has blobs, havoc, and solo roamers with almost no lag. Really something for everyone in WvW.

FA [WS]. Small group fights since 2012

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kagusaki.3176


Ninjambo, you also forgot the coolest guild of all!

Are you an engineer that’s been picked on? Do you feel rejected when other guilds don’t want you to join them in a dungeon just because of who you are? Do you have warriors and guardians bullying you for your milk money or stealthy thieves giving you wet willies? Look no further! Transfer to Fort Apenwood (aka Fort Janthir) and join [NERF], an all engineer guild. Besides WvW, they also do guild missions, PvP, PvE, and other mysterious things

Anywho, I transferred to FA from IOJ a while back and I love the atmosphere. DPS and QQ came from IOJ too. There are a plethora of great commanders running around WvW and a lot of them are well organized thanks to TeamSpeak. We also have a great PvX community and help out one another. Hmm what else.. Oh! whispers If you’re a furry or a Brony, we need more of you guys on our server >.>

Foreman Spur – Level 80 Charrior | Firefister – Level 80 Charrcromancer
The Legion of Charrs [TLC] – Fort Aspenwood’s Finest Charr Guild
You can’t spell Fur Affinity without FA! :3

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


I’ve heard nothing but good things about this server. Give them the transfers that they so rightfully deserve!

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Drigan.7382


Our NA Guilds have all been striving to improve in every area of the game! Even with most of our guilds running tagless now we are communicating openly with each other and regularly playing off each others moves on a map. FA is as stable as they come now and is steadily moving forward!

We could of course use some extra help facing DB and TC who have been the benefactor of many more transfers than FA. We’d love to bring on both individual members and guilds for any timezone. Check out the FA Recruitment section if you’re looking for a guild: or feel free to message me with any questions about Fort Aspenwood!

Spirit Of Faith [HOPE]
Fort Aspenwood –

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nick.6972


Great video! My favorite anime!

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kasteros.9847


NICE, really good job. Sad that this is english version of " Cruel Angel " but still pretty nice. Going to do same with Guren no Yumia and blacktide server thanks for inspiration.

16.03.15 We remember! R.I.P. MT
Shocking interview with Anet WvW Dev

(edited by Kasteros.9847)

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: retsuya.4708


the Fort is currently in a good position of having a diverse match-up every week.
RNG gives us matches from mega-blobs of T1 to roamers of T3 and T4.

Whatever your playstyle/gameplay is, you’ll definitely fit in here and won’t get tired of skill lag or pvd every week.

[WB] Fort Aspenwood

Neon Genesis Fort Aspenwood

in Looking for...

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Just an update:

FA is still looking for more SEA/Oceanic coverage. We have some great Oceanic and SEA guilds, but they need help!!

Give us a shout if interested!

Nox – Fort Aspenwood