Showing Posts For The Bear Prophet.8154:

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Bear Prophet.8154

The Bear Prophet.8154

I would love to see:

~A fast, at a glance way to see which zones I’ve completed, and which are missing pieces for map completion. Lots of platforming games have this kind of feature. A summery page or summary when mousing over on the world map would be great!
~The ability to rearrange my characters on the character select screen as I see fit. The order of most recently used is nice, but I’d like them in order of level.
~The ability to store multiple trait specs, and gear sets for them.

You guys rock! Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Dragon Clan [Drgn] Recruiting! | PvX, WvW, Vent | Henge of Denravi

in Guilds

Posted by: The Bear Prophet.8154

The Bear Prophet.8154


I’m looking for a guild to socialize with while I play. You guys sound pretty cool. I was hoping we could talk so I could get to know you guys better. I play on Henge of Denravi for a couple of hours a day (I am student teaching this year so I’m pretty busy). Message me in game if you think I’d be a good fit.

Thanks for reading.