Showing Posts For The Coppermind.5974:

Super Adventure Box kills all of your buffs..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Coppermind.5974

The Coppermind.5974

I did read the warning, and I don’t really have another alt. I made a character to level up via crafting, but they’ve got zero anything else. I’m just upset that there’s one tiny little thing that doesn’t seem like it’s that difficult to fix, but is making it really prohibitive for me to play. 5 days and 23 hours of celebration booster left….At the rate that I play, this booster will easily last me a couple months.

Just disappointing, this seems like such an ANet manufactured issue.

Super Adventure Box kills all of your buffs..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Coppermind.5974

The Coppermind.5974

What the F Anet. I just got back into this game about a month ago, and was so excited for SAB, it’s probably my favorite “April Fools” thing that any game does.

And today, I log in, and see that I will lose all of my buffs, permanently, if I enter SAB.

As I said, I just came back to this game, and ate SIX celebration boosters.

So I have what, 5 days and some hours of buffs that I get to joyfully release and never use again if I want to participate in SAB? Yay. Thanks guys for making sure that whatever buffs you have you lose permanently. I won’t give up my buffs, so now I just get to miss out on something I’d been looking forward to eagerly, because for whatever reason you decided this just wouldn’t be an issue for anyone.

Seriously guys?

Daily Achievements to roll over PLEASE

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Coppermind.5974

The Coppermind.5974

They should add a set of weekly achievements that you can complete, and you either get your laurels from dailies, or from that each week, but it’ll still award some gold/exp.

Maybe you get 6 laurels from the weekly, or you could decide to do a daily, which locks you out from the 6 weekly laurels, but gives you the opportunity to get 7 from the week in dailies. Doing either would still award the gold/exp.

That’s a fantastic idea! I like that a LOT. Admittedly, it still doesn’t address the daily issue, but this would alleviate a significant amount of the pain.

Daily Achievements to roll over PLEASE

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Coppermind.5974

The Coppermind.5974

bumping this after two weeks to see if anyone maybe missed it but actually wants this feature.

I’ve started to make accommodations around the game to try to enjoy it more, but it still feels really silly to me that players are adjusting their play style to the game’s schedule regarding something that’s relatively trivial and simple to fix.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just push it back say 6 hours or so? I hate to suggest a solution that doesn’t really address the problem, but if we made it 7AM GMT it would be 3AM EST and 12AM PST, and 5PM in Sidney, Australia, which seems like a better time frame in general that accomodates most people, but that still leaves the problem in place it just now affects fewer, different people.

Daily Achievements to roll over PLEASE

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Coppermind.5974

The Coppermind.5974

If I find myself playing before 8PM, I can almost guaranteed never do the daily. I don’t like to hustle through the daily achievement just to get it. I like it to guide my play and get it slowly. It typically takes me an hour or two.

This has made me pretty much not even want to log on until 8PM, and now I’m cutting into my “wind down” time where I should be going to bed.

I just don’t feel that we should be bending to a program or a process’s will.

Daily Achievements to roll over PLEASE

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Coppermind.5974

The Coppermind.5974

It’s so incredibly frustrating that my new job means I basically only get to play around 7-8:30PM (Eastern Standard Time) and I don’t get to play every day.

This means I am practically UNABLE to ever get a daily achievement. It is so incredibly frustrating to get to 75-80% of my daily completion every single time I try.

It’s actually kitten near infuriating! The moment 8PM hits, I’m so annoyed, I just quit GW2.

Why can my daily achievements just roll over until I have time to finally complete one, and then just make it limited to maximum once per day?

I hate comparing to other games, but that’s how so many other games do it, and it just makes more sense to me. There’s a large chunk of the game that will take me 10x longer to participate in because I got a new job that’s inconvenient to the Arena Net gaming schedule for daily resets.

This has been frustrating me for weeks, and I finally decided to make a forum post after not finding anything (but maybe I’m just bad at searching)

Please, Anet, I beg you to make this change.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Coppermind.5974

The Coppermind.5974

what in god’s frigging name is this awful bug!?

How has this not been fixed yet? Weeks, maybe even MONTHS.

This is such an absurd, strange bug. Super annoying

I love you ANet developers, please fix this asap.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: The Coppermind.5974

The Coppermind.5974

I also tried today. Tre never died, but the other two NPCs did. Same issue as everyone else, can’t proceed past southern entrance, researcher NPCs refuse to move.