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Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

Personally, I fond the camera much improved since the acceleration and FoV improvements.

The only race I find unplayable now is the Asura, who are positioned too high in the screen, with the result that it feels like I’m playing with a visor obscuring the top of my view.

Compared with other games the GW2 camera is still badly implemented and could do with custom settings to allow each player to customize to their own preference.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

Why the sense of entitlement to more speed for rangers? Who ordained the ranger a fast class?

Yeah, rangers the most OP class in the game demanding yet more buffs.

When you’re the so-called expert of the wilds and a meathead in full plate, a bookworm carrying a stick, an urbane cutpurse and a technerd complete with gizmos and boomsticks all easily pass you over open terrain you have a balance problem.

I wasn’t trying to denigrate rangers … was just surprised at this thread demanding speed buffs as if it was an intrinsic right. Especially when doesn’t mention rangers as the fast class.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

Why the sense of entitlement to more speed for rangers? Who ordained the ranger a fast class?

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

Camera for the Asura characters is still unsatisfactory.

EDIT: Character is in the middle of the screen; ie too high up. Feels like I am playing with a visor obscuring the top part of my view.

(edited by The Red.1025)

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

The FOV beta is a huge improvement. This, along with the other camera changes, means that, at last, I can play the game without being physically ill.

The camera is still not as user-friendly or responsive as others but it’s good to see ANet listening to their customers.

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

The camera still feels far too loose and rubber-bandy to me. Eg: notice how long it can take to come to a halt after a turn – sometimes it continues to zoom for about three seconds. The camera is still too intrusive for my tastes.

Thank you ANet for trying.

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

The obvious solution is for ArenaNet to continue to do nothing.

ANet already has our money, and now the trouble-making complainers will go back to WoW (where the camera won’t make them ill).

Problem “solved”.

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

This game’s camera is not only making the game difficult and uncomfortable to play but it is making people physically ill.

I can understand why this is not a high priority for ArenaNet (confirmed by their single response to this issue), but for me it is priority number one. And there appears to be many others who feel the same.

No longer can I tolerate the camera and no longer do I play GW2. Needless to say I am very disappointed that a game oozing so much potential is ruined by something so basic as the camera.

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

The sluggish, rubber-band effect is NOT due to the performance of the PC. I run a 680GTX with a 4.4GHz i5-3570K and have excellent gaming performance with every title I run, including GW2. (btw see as linked in the OP – “GW2 camera acceleration” – for the effect.) My GW2 mouse pointer shows normal, minimal lag.

I’ve tried different monitors, keyboards and mice … same rubber-band feel. On my ageing laptop with an ATI 5650 … same rubber-band feel.

It’s the camera which is slow.

For those familiar with Skyrim, it released with the same camera “features”, but players are able to change the settings in a config file to improve camera responsiveness and FOV. Why not give us a couple of sliders? Allow us to set FOV and acceleration to our own tastes and comfort.

(edited by The Red.1025)

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

they’re working on it; if you refer to this link, you’ll see their order of priority.

i rather doubt it’s a case of ego, or of not caring; rather, they have a priority, and they’re following it.

i have to say, i’m curious about why this hasn’t been addressed previously, through the bwes, but it wasn’t, and now they’re beginning to work on parts of it. i have faith that they’ll continue … as they get the time and the ability.

just my thinks.

I do not share your faith and cannot see ArenaNet acknowledging camera issues in your link, or anywhere else for that matter (including my contact with GW2 Support).

There still has been no official response to this, one of the biggest/oldest threads in this forum.

The camera makes the game, which is otherwise awesome, virtually unplayable for me.

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

Unfortunately, I just received a response from GW2 Support stating the camera is “working as intended”. An official response in this thread would be nice.

Well I doubt that they really mean that, since they changed the downed camera state, and are still actively working on fixing the camera bugs. Why would you fix something that you think is working as intended?

I put a ticket in shortly after release. After much to-ing and fro-ing, and screenshots of my game settings and NVidia settings, two (2) diagnostic reports from software supplied from GW2 Support, and a video I recorded demonstrating how slow the camera was to come to rest, that was the response.

There has been absolutely no acknowledgement, as fas as I can see, that there is any problem at all. It is “working as intended”.

I would, however, love for you to be correct.

(edited by The Red.1025)

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

Unfortunately, I just received a response from GW2 Support stating the camera is “working as intended”. An official response in this thread would be nice.

I hope someone in ArenaNet googles “GW2 camera lag” and realizes that although the camera may be “working as intended”, it is not “working” well.

  • Edited to express my frustration at lack of acknowledgement of the problems. *

(edited by The Red.1025)

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

In response to Litego.4953:

Mouse lag isn’t an issue for me as the mouse pointer itself is responsive; the problem lies with the camera itself.

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Red.1025

The Red.1025

Thanks very much to the OP for explaining the camera problem(s).

I find the camera ‘sluggishness’ almost unbearable and feel nauseated after playing GW2 for some time. At first I thought it was just mouse-acceleration and then I thought it was camera zooming problems, but now I realise that it’s a combination of multiple camera issues, as implemented in-game.

I’ve had an open ticket since shortly after release and only hope that ArenaNet listens to the players and fix this soon.

Other than this I reckon GW2 is an awesome game.